Volunteer Firefighter’s Day: A tribute to 140 years of bravery and dedication | Chain Nine

Volunteer Firefighter’s Day: A tribute to 140 years of bravery and dedication | Chain Nine
Volunteer Firefighter’s Day: A tribute to 140 years of bravery and dedication | Chain Nine

On June 2, 1884, a raging fire in the neighborhood of La Boca, Buenos Aires, marked the beginning of a tradition of service and bravery that endures to this day. Tomás Liberti and his son, along with a group of neighbors, organized a human chain to put out the flames that threatened to spread rapidly through the buildings in the area. This heroic act gave rise to the first Volunteer Fire Department in Argentina, an institution that today celebrates 140 years of life.

Since then, every June 2 we honor these men and women who, with great responsibility and vocation, play a crucial role in the prevention and care of the goods and people of communities and their areas of influence.

The dedication and commitment of volunteer firefighters is reflected in their daily actions, always being ready to face emergencies and protect lives.

Currently, Argentina has about 45,000 volunteer firefighters, of which 7,500 are women, distributed in more than 900 bodies throughout the country. These numbers not only show the growth of the institution, but also the inclusion and diversity that characterize it.

The thing is that the firefighter is a person who is very committed to his community and tremendously responsible because volunteering as a firefighter requires a lot of professionalism. Being a firefighter involves volunteering 24 hours a day, 7 days a day, 365 days a year.

This Sunday is an opportunity to recognize and thank the tireless work of volunteer firefighters, who risk their lives and sacrifice their personal time for the benefit of society. Their example of dedication, dedication, discipline, ethics and solidarity is a fundamental pillar in the construction of safer and more united communities.

An institutional example to follow.

Happy day to each of the volunteer firefighters!

And let’s remember that this Sunday, the sirens will sound at 8:00 a.m.; while at 6:15 p.m. The traditional tribute will be made at the bust of the Volunteer Firefighter erected in Plaza Italia.

From there, the formations will walk along Robbio Street to the Cathedral Church, where at 7 p.m. Mass will be held on Thanksgiving.

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