César was the first in line to vote at the CAPU, he arrived at six in the morning – El Sol de Puebla

César was the first in line to vote at the CAPU, he arrived at six in the morning – El Sol de Puebla
César was the first in line to vote at the CAPU, he arrived at six in the morning – El Sol de Puebla

Cesar Gomez He was the first in line to vote in the special boxes installed in the Puebla Bus Station (CAPU)given that He arrived at six in the morning to guarantee his participation. Prior to the start of receiving votes, The line of voters already covered the passenger drop-off ramp and half the waiting room..

Caesar told The Sun of Puebla which is found city ​​vacation but he did not want to be left without the opportunity to cast your voteso he looked for the location of special boxes and opted for the CAPU because it is found near the hotel where you are staying.

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He added that for him it is important to participate for later “don’t be complaining”in such a way that he did not mind having to get up very early.

In the above he agreed Isabel Villajuana, 73 years oldwho is originally from New Lion and recently came to live in the capital of Puebla, in such a way that He did not have time to change his voter ID card..

The elderly woman came at seven in the morning, accompanied by one of her grandchildren and brought a chair to wait in line. She decided to arrive early for fear that ballots would be scarce.

“We must vote for our beloved Mexico, there must be a radical change and not one person decides for all of us”he told this newspaper.

By eight in the morning, the time established for the start of voting, Alberto Villanueva, 33 years old, came to line up in the middle of the waiting room at the bus station. and he said he was impressed by the number of people in line.

He commented that He is originally from Guerrero but for work reasons he is in Pueblain such a way that he had to resort to a special box to participate in what for him is “an important right.”

Special box at the CAPU has 2 thousand ballots

Both special boxes installed in the CAPU have 2 thousand ballotsin such a way that it is estimated to cover the demand for voter participation, declared Alfonso Galindo Juárez, operator of special box number two.

He asked for patience from those who, for various reasons, They are in transit and resort to this option to cast their vote, since unlike the other boxes there are no voter listsbut a system that determines the participation that each person can have.

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“We enter the voter’s data and the system tells us, according to their area of ​​residence, which positions they can vote for, for example, if there is someone from this district of Puebla they will be able to vote for all positions, including city council, but if it is someone from another state would only participate in the election for president of the Republic, for example”he explained.

Galindo pointed out that it is important for voters to know that 77 special polling stations are installed in the entity, of which 20 are in the capital of Puebla.in places such as the CAPU, warehouses C and D of the Central de Abasto, Plaza Dorada, Plaza Loreto and even the National Electoral Institute module located a few meters from the bus station.

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