Morena rules out possibility of electoral fraud in CDMX

Morena rules out possibility of electoral fraud in CDMX
Morena rules out possibility of electoral fraud in CDMX

Written in NATIONAL he 6/2/2024 · 12:56 p.m.

Last update: 6/2/2024 · 1:00 p.m.

Caesar Cravioto, Spokesman for Clara Brugada Molina’s campaign for the head of government of Mexico City of the collision ‘Let’s Keep Making History’, rejected that there may be electoral fraud and pointed out that, at least his party and allies, have not talked about this possibility so far, while trusting that the result of the vote will be transparent and legal.

In a first cut, about the start of the vote, he explained that They have been notified that more than 13,000 polling stations have been installed and operate peacefully in the country’s capital. who receive the vote of the capital.


Accompanied by the president of Morena in Mexico City, Sebastian Ramírez, trusted that citizen participation will be abundant and in a framework of tranquility.

Questioned about some irregularities that the opposition could be implementing to obtain the benefit of the vote, César Cravioto, He assured that they will not fall into provocations and that after six in the afternoon this Sunday they will make a first cut on irregularities or illegalities if there are any.

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