Rafa Balderrama takes a break from driving after suffering an accident – El Sol de México

Rafa Balderrama takes a break from driving after suffering an accident – El Sol de México
Rafa Balderrama takes a break from driving after suffering an accident – El Sol de México

Since 2022, his life has totally changed. It was in June of that year when Rafa Balderrama suffered a car accident that immobilized him for a time due to a fracture of the tibia and fibula in his left leg.

While riding his motorcycle in the Condesa neighborhood, the actor also crashed into a car due to a failure in the traffic lights at an intersection.

Two years after having an accident and with four surgeries involved, the driver assured that this event led him to raise awareness about the true value of life and, that is why, after a constant accumulation of adrenaline, today he decides to think twice. times before entering into any activity in which you could be in danger.

“Rafa Balderrama has always been characterized as an irreverent man, a person of challenges, who jumped off the bungee, did long races from San Ángel to the Ángel de la Independencia to show that we fatties could do any activity, of course it cost us little. more effort, but before I tried to do irreverent things and now I tell the kids who are in charge of making streaming content to be very cautious because life is very short,” said the host in an interview.

“Mine was not due to recklessness, but due to a car accident, but now you value things more, you think twice before doing things. To be good with others you have to be good with yourself and if you are healthy, you will have all your horizons open,” she added.

In order to focus on his recovery, Balderrama said goodbye to the “Come Joy” program and thus complete his therapies.

Recently, the former MasterChef Celebrity Mexico participant also had an appointment with his orthopedist who informed him that the fracture solidified, however, this does not mean that he can perform extreme activities.

“I’m about to turn 45 years old and I think that age already warrants me being a little more cautious, but blessed God there is no longer a risk that the bones will be replaced by something synthetic and I still keep my leg,” he said.

In fact, three days before starting the recordings of his latest television project, the reality show MasterChef Celebrity, the presenter had his crutches completely removed, which helped him develop without problems.

“I am still very excited to have been one of those chosen because as a fan of the format when it first started, before it was for celebrities, I was a follower and every time it was on its seasons I followed it Sunday to Sunday.

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“When they invited me to be part of it, it made me very happy, especially because I was coming from a process in which I was on the verge of losing my leg in 2022, they took my crutches away three days before starting the recordings, so first of all “I was privileged and blessed by God,” he said.

Thanks to his participation in this reality show, Balderrama has received different recipes from some fans. Therefore, in order to please his audience, the host will open a YouTube channel to make these and other recipes, and at the same time, he remains a radio host on station 97.7.

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