Starbucks leaves a curious message for a customer in his coffee after voting | News

Starbucks leaves a curious message for a customer in his coffee after voting | News
Starbucks leaves a curious message for a customer in his coffee after voting | News

A video showed the curious message that a Starbucks customer received after going for his free coffee.

This was the message that a consumer received in his Starbucks coffee. 48 percent of consumers consider different products. Different brands began to carry out promotions in order to encourage voting this June 2, so in part it can be understood as a strategy to increase citizen participation; In an image on social networks, an image circulated in which a man received a curious message after receiving his free coffee from Starbucks after voting.

Starbucks coffee message

The coffee chain, known for its special promotions, offered free coffee to all voters who showed their finger marked with indelible ink. However, what surprised many was an unexpected message written on one of the glasses of a cafeteria customer, which caught the attention of locals and strangers for the same situation.

The initiative had a positive reception on social networks, where users shared photos of their glasses and commented on the impact of the gesture, so social networks were flooded with several photos with their Starbucks drinks.

In the message that one of the consumers received, the message “thank you for voting handsome” could be read, which caught the attention of Internet users who were surprised by the case, an issue that led the young man to be questioned in different places about whether he would have provoked the message on his own.

However, not everything was perfect. At some branches, the large number of customers resulted in long lines and wait times, and not everyone received a message in their cup due to high demand. Despite these drawbacks, most customers rated the experience positively.

It must be taken into account that Starbucks is not the only business that is implementing a free product, so in some cases this seems familiar within the different growths that can be found as a unique part with the help of other environments.

An example of this can be found in different businesses, so although this message that was written may not be real, the action on the part of the brands to encourage voting is a good tool to promote free voting and participation. citizen.

Some of the brands implemented different strategies in order to promote voting, so in some cases this can be beneficial within the different strategies that can be presented in different parts of the country.

Companies have a positive part within the different tools that can be presented, so at one point this can lead to an action by consumers who do not require this type of actions as part of it.

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