Clara Brugada has a slight advantage – El Financiero

Clara Brugada has a slight advantage – El Financiero
Clara Brugada has a slight advantage – El Financiero

The 2024 elections reach their definition in Mexico City: According to the Exit Survey of The financialClara Brugada, of the ‘We Will Continue Making History’ coalition has a slight advantage.

In addition to the head of governmentin the 2024 election in CDMX, the chilangas elected the heads of the 16 mayoralties, in addition to the 66 positions in the capital’s Congress and 204 council offices. Alejandro Moreno, consultant/survey director of El Financiero, presented the results during the LIVE coverage that the Financiero brings you of the 2024 elections.

Alejandro Moreno, consultant/survey director of The financialpresented the results during the LIVE coverage that Financiero brings you of the 2024 elections.

“We have a projection of a relatively close survey with a slight advantage for Clara Brugada in the cut that we have up to this moment. The difference is closed, It’s a closed competition.but in our exercise we have a projection for Clara Brugada“, said.

Moreno stressed that these results are preliminary, since it will be the authority, in this case the Electoral Institute of Mexico City, that publishes the official results.

Mario Delgado, national president of Morena, celebrated the result and also boasted that the Fourth Transformation coalition is also projected as a winner in Puebla and Morelos.

Prior to the election day this Sunday, June 2, Brugada predicted that his campaign would exceed the 2.7 million votes that Claudia Sheinbaum (now presidential candidate) obtained in 2018,

Clara Brugada, Santiago Taboada and Solomon Chertorivskywho cast their votes during the morning of this Sunday, June 2, seek to relieve Martí Batres, who assumed the head of Government after the resignation of Claudia Sheinbaum

Whoever wins the election for the head of Government will take office on October 4.

Why did the ‘chilangos’ vote for their candidates in the 2024 elections?

According to the people consulted in the exit poll The financialthe most important reason why the citizens of the capital voted for Brugada, Taboada or Chertorivski it was for a change, with 29 percent.

However, Moreno highlighted the following two reasons: 24 percent said they cast their vote for continue with the transformationa voting intention related to Morena, while 17 percent said they went to the polls to defend democracya ’cause’ more linked to the opposition and the ‘Pink Tide’.

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