This is how José Ramón López Beltrán, son of AMLO, voted today, June 2: “We already voted” | PHOTOS

This is how José Ramón López Beltrán, son of AMLO, voted today, June 2: “We already voted” | PHOTOS
This is how José Ramón López Beltrán, son of AMLO, voted today, June 2: “We already voted” | PHOTOS

President López Obrador’s grandson was the one who put the ballots into the polls. Photo: X/@_JRLB_

José Ramón López Beltráneldest son of the president Andrés Manuel López Obradorboasted on social networks that he had already cast his vote this Sunday, June 2, in a box located in the Mexico City. “We have already voted,” was the message she placed next to three photographs showing her thumb and her little son. Solomon Andres Manuel putting the ballots in their respective ballot boxes.

“Let the transformation continue Ramón!”, “Give your Father a Hug from Me Please” and “Likewise José Ramón That’s all, let the Jr. know from a young age who to vote for,” are some of the messages that have been sent to him. Morena’s supporters and, of course, her father’s supporters left in her publication AMLO.

AMLO's eldest son boasts on social networks that he has already voted. Credit: X@_jrlb_
AMLO’s eldest son boasts on social networks that he has already voted. Credit: X@_jrlb_

He is 43 years old and is the president’s first-born son with his late wife. Rocio Beltranhis younger brothers are Andrés ‘Andy’ and Gonzalo ‘Bobby’ López Beltrán. He is married to the American Carolyn Adams, with whom she had little Salomón Andrés Manuel – with whom she went to vote today – and now they are waiting for their second baby, as they announced a few days ago on social networks.

The name of AMLO’s eldest son took center stage in January 2022, when Mexicans against Corruption and Impunity (MCCI) together with Latinus They published a report in which they accused him of living in a luxurious mansion in Conroe, Texas, United States, which was owned by a senior manager of the company. Baker Hugheswhich had contracts with Petróleos Mexicanos (Pemex).

José Ramón López Beltrán denied living in the so-called “Gray House” and the company also denied the information, stating on February 1 of that year that the property had never been managed by Baker Hughes and that it was owned by a former employee who had stopped collaborating with them in 2019.

Another of the controversies in which AMLO’s eldest son has been involved was the time he was related to one of the consultants of the Sowing Life program and at the same time advised his El Rocío chocolate farmwhile in 2021 he was also severely criticized after images of his ostentatious skiing vacation in the Rocky Mountains, in Colorado, United States, were released.

His younger brothers have also been accused by media and organizations for alleged acts of corruption. MCCI and Latinus revealed last year that ‘Andy’ and ‘Boby’ would be behind the millionaire contracts that the Government of Mexico would have given to his friend the businessman Hamilcar Olanfor the sale and transportation of ballast for him Mayan Trainone of AMLO’s emblematic works.

President Andrés Manuel López Obrador has denied these accusations against the children of his first marriage and has demanded that if there is evidence, it be presented along with the corresponding complaint. “If my children are involved in an illicit business, “Let them be punished (…) if they have a problem with me, then let it be with me, not with my children,” the president warned just last April.

AMLO has always defended his older children. Photo:
AMLO has always defended his older children. Photo:
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