Mario Delgado proclaims Claudia Sheinbaum the winner (Video)

Mario Delgado proclaims Claudia Sheinbaum the winner (Video)
Mario Delgado proclaims Claudia Sheinbaum the winner (Video)

MEXICO CITY (apro).- “Claudia Sheinbaum will be the first female president in our history and in North America,” announced the national leader of Morena, Mario Delgado, who added that his exit polls give the Morena member a “very wide advantage, 2 to 1”, over the PAN-PRI-PRD candidate, Xóchitl Gálvez.

In addition, he attacked the former senator who minutes before assured that she won the elections: “We saw a message from this PRIAN gang and their candidate, who continue to lie until the end. They call themselves democrats and go out to lie to the people saying that they triumphed, when they know they have been defeated.”

Delgado Carrillo stated that “A Democrat is one who respects the verdict of the people. And let them understand it once and for all: in Mexico, the people rule and the people decided today that Claudia Sheinbaum is president and heads the second floor of the fourth transformation.”

In his second message this afternoon, after the total closure of the polls throughout the country was reported, the coordinator of the Sheinbaum Pardo campaign came out surrounded by the majority of the specialists who are members of the “Dialogues for Transformation.” Without hiding their smiles, many wore caps or t-shirts embroidered and printed with the legend “Victory of the people Claudia Sheinbaum President.”

Then Mario Delgado said: “we are fortunate to live in a stellar moment in the history of our country and also for our Latin America and the world. Claudia Sheinbaum will be the first female president in our history and in North America.”

He added that their exit polls give them “a wide advantage over the PRIAN candidate, very, 2 to 1 to one difference. There is no doubt about the triumph of Claudia Sheinbaum, a woman who has conquered the people of Mexico, extraordinary for her simplicity, sensitivity, tenacity, discipline and honesty through all means.

According to the national Morenista leader, the former head of government of CDMX “comes hand in hand with a popular movement that has touched the hearts of Mexican men and women, a peaceful revolution of thought and values ​​that has permeated to the depths of society.” .

Delgado added that “transformative hope is once again making its way against conservatism, it is the triumph of various progressive struggles and of many generations that have worked tirelessly to achieve rights.”

He also highlighted that the former delegation head in Tlalpan is “a woman, who has also dedicated a good part of her life to walking alongside the greatest leader of our times, Andrés Manuel López Obrador.”

And, once again, he launched himself against the opposition: “The people of Mexico have taken a leap towards complementarity and balance by closing the mouths of a tiny opposition, morally and politically, a classist, racist and corrupt majority, whose only project was waste the country to keep it and hand it over to transnational monsters.”

He added: “The people have shown that they do not allow themselves to be fooled, neither with hate campaigns nor with lies. “Votes beat bots.”

Finally, and as Sheinbaum called towards the end of his campaign, Delgado said: “See you in the Zócalo after the message from our president Claudia Sheinbaum, which will occur once the electoral authority announces the results.”

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