June and another KO in the pocket: electricity, gas, fuel and transportation increase

June and another KO in the pocket: electricity, gas, fuel and transportation increase
June and another KO in the pocket: electricity, gas, fuel and transportation increase

Users began to feel the increase in bills amid economic stagnation.

The middle of the year came with increases everywhere. After the fuel increase over the weekend, over the next few days, the Government will define the amounts of the next increase in electricity and gas bills. In addition, rents and expenses, private schools and tolls, among others, are rising again.

The Casa Rosada plans to define this week the increase that will be applied to the price of wholesale energy, which will make it possible to know how far the increases in electricity and gas rates will go. Private consulting firms estimate that increases could be around 40%.

The objective is to reduce subsidies by about US$130 million per month in the winter, according to specialist estimates. The increase that is defined will be applied to the price of wholesale energy, one of the three main components that make up the rate, along with transportation and distribution.

Regarding these last two items, the Government has already defined that it will keep the values ​​frozen with the goal of reducing the impact of the increases on inflation rates.

While these new increases are being defined, these days gas bills began to arrive with average increases of 380% that were authorized in April. The strong increase is due to the fact that there was an update for distribution and transportation companies, two components of the gas bill.

In the case of Prepaid, it is expected that this month adjustments will arrive from the last value released by Indec in April, of 8.8%. This is because the adjustments are made according to the CPI from two months earlier, as established by Justice after the sector’s conflict with the Government.

On the other hand, tenants who signed their rental contracts under the rental law in June 2022 or in the same month of 2023 will receive an interannual increase of 233.7%, according to the figures from the Rental Contract Index ( ICL) that showed 233.7% for June. Expenses will also undergo a new adjustment, with increases planned for those in charge, in addition to the rates.

On the other hand, domestic service workers will receive a 7% salary increase in June, which corresponds to the second installment of the bimonthly update for the April-May period.

There will also be increases in private school fees. In the Province of Buenos Aires, the administration of Axel Kicillof authorized institutions to apply increases of 7.5%, so, in some cases, the fees will be above 150,000 pesos. Likewise, cell phones and cable TV will register increases of between 8 and 20%. On the other hand, during the weekend, the increase in fuels was already applied after the Government doubled the update of taxes on liquid fuels (ICL) and carbon dioxide (IDC).

In addition, motorists traveling to the Federal Capital will have to face the increase in Buenos Aires and Subway tolls: the first will increase by 35%, while the second will increase from $574 to $650.

To all this accumulation of increases will be added that of shelf products as a consequence of the rate increases that will be transferred to the last link in the chain. June and another KO in the pocket.

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