‘We already won’ – El Financiero

‘We already won’ – El Financiero
‘We already won’ – El Financiero

“We already won,” said the presidential candidate of the Fuerza y ​​Corazón por México coalition, Xóchitl Gálvez Ruíz, who asked to wait for the vote count from the National Electoral Institute (INE) to meet the person who will succeed the current president Andrés Manuel López Obrador.

“Continue with your work until you finish counting your last vote and receive the minutes and then, accompany and guard all the electoral packages until they are delivered to the district committee. Let us not forget, we are competing against authoritarianism and power and they are capable of anything“, stated Gálvez Ruíz, after the exit survey of EL FINANCIERO.

Xóchitl Gálvez thanked the citizens who participated in the election day this Sunday, June 2, as well as the representatives of the parties and polling station officials. In addition, he assured that participation was very high.

“I had told them for months that we were going to win these elections despite all the traps, despite the lies, despite the abuse of power and their millions of pesos diverted to help their candidate”

The blue and white candidate called on President Andrés Manuel López Obrador to respect the citizens’ vote after the publication of the INE results.

What does the EL FINANCIERO exit survey say?

Alejandro Moreno, director of Surveys and Opinion Studies at El Financiero, announced the first resultsprior to the release of the Preliminary Electoral Results Program (PREP 2024) in which it was pointed out that Caudia Sheinbaum Pardo, of the coalition Let’s Keep Making Historywon the elections.

“What this exit poll projects, here we can project Claudia Sheinbaum as the winner in the presidential race. There is no difference that makes us doubt the margin of error”he explained.

Xóchitl Gálvez happy and calm after closing of boxes

Prior to the closing of polls as part of the election day this Sunday, June 2, the candidate of the PRI-PAN-PRD He announced that there will be good news about the results of the presidential elections.

“I think we are going to have a very good surprise, but we are waiting for official results. At this moment the boxes have not been closed, but the percentage of participation “It indicates that it will be high and that is very positive for us,” he said in an interview with the media.

Gálvez Ruíz assured that she feels calm and happy for creating a positive expectation for the opposition and recounted the activities she carried out after going to exercise her right to vote.

“I am very calm, whatever has to happen is going to happen, why speed it up? I feel happy to have managed to inspire so many Mexicans that, in my booth, my neighbors cheered me on and then I went to have breakfast and the people were very happy. In other words, I achieved that in a very short time, creating an expectation and a possibility for the opposition.”

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