condemned and on the tightrope

condemned and on the tightrope
condemned and on the tightrope

Carlos Duguech

International analyst

When donald trump appeared on the political scene of his country with intentions of becoming a presidential candidate, he generated a novel climate for two reasons: because he was competing with a woman, Hillary Clinton, with vast political experience; and because, even though he was the candidate of the Republican Party, strong questions came from that sector about his ways and ideas. A political unorthodox, extremely extroverted and notoriously exposed as a social discriminator and consummate sexist. It was not virtues that distinguished him. It was adorned by the multiple ventures of his multimillion-dollar empire in almost all areas of business. Particularly in those that offered “more glass.”

When evaluating it at this time, when feverish and complex electoral actions and even delayed judicial actions against Trump coincide, it is worth bringing into this arena the background of the most peculiar character in American politics. The candidates for the elections on November 5 are known for what they did and what they are doing.

One is the president in the last stages of his mandate. Next January 20 Joe Biden He will resume – if elected – or hand over command to his successor. He displays a profuse political portfolio. Senator in repeated continuous stages since 1972, he has spent eight years as vice president of Barack Obama from 2009 to 2017. And, of course, the four years at the helm of the White House, since he dismantled Trump’s desire for reelection in a dramatic time for institutions in the United States: the assault on the Capitol. “Very typical of a banana country,” would be read in some American press if this had happened in a country in its “backyard.”

act violently

The emergence of the violent hordes was publicly encouraged by Trump. He induced his followers to break into the Capitol to prevent the consecration of the elections that favored his opponent. He left no place in the press where he did not talk about electoral fraud. Five deaths were the result of the violent action at the Capitol. The instigation of this violent action meant promoting what, from different centers of power in the world, was described as a coup d’état. They wanted to prevent the certification of Biden’s electoral victory.

Trump is a threat to democracy, says Biden

Trump should be rated for what he did during his four years as a temporary occupant of the White House. Here is a summary of what interests the world, not just the US:

– Reagan-Gorbachev Treaty

This is the INF Treaty (Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces) on the dismantling of medium-range nuclear weapons in Europe. Trump, free from the political body, without ties and owner of an all-embracing will for the power he exercised, ordered in October 2018 nothing less than to dismantle, after almost 32 years of validity, the laborious process carried out by Reagan and Gorbachev, who On December 8, 1987, they signed that historic treaty.

– 5+1 agreement with Iran

A unique opportunity materialized in the nuclear agreement with Iran, aimed at creating a system only for peaceful uses. In addition, the establishment of an unrestricted IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency) inspection regime.

What is clearly unique about the agreement (Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, JCPOA, in English), signed in 2015, are its members: the US, Great Britain, France, Russia, China (the five permanent members of the UN Security Council) plus Germany. Never before had these six countries formed a control body (“F5+1”).

In May 2018, with his superb elbow, Trump erased Obama’s signature on the US commitment to the “F5+1” and resumed sanctions and embargoes. Iran reacted naturally, feeling nuclear free due to the US abandoning the agreement. Biden, concerned, insists on advancing diplomacy to restore it.

– Embassy in Jerusalem

Violating UN resolutions (from 1980), Trump decided to install the US embassy in Jerusalem. A contribution of fire to the flames of the troubled Middle East.

– Climate change

The Paris Climate Agreement as of November 3, 2020 no longer has the participation of the US due to Trump’s decision. Biden, as soon as he became president, re-enrolled his country in that agreement. Trump’s egocentrism generated serious consequences in his time derived from his actions regarding Covid and vaccines.

– Trump condemned

The process for his participation as a necessary intellectual “promoter” of January 6, 2021 with the assault on the Capitol is still pending. The fact that he has been found guilty in “matters of sexual relations” linked to tax control does not prevent him from his unbridled electoral campaign. This situation forces us to think about the case Al Capone. However, the “assault on the Capitol” issue will set the stamp that prevents him from competing. It is likely that at the Republican Party conventions in the coming months and as Trump’s judicial issues progress, he will be replaced by another candidate. It carries a disqualifying fact about his history when it comes to imagining him president again. The ruling on the nature of the sentence will be known in July.

– Electoral Mexico

The climate leading up to the elections in Mexico was one of continued violence. About 30 candidates for different positions were murdered. Almost 90 million citizens were summoned. One of the candidates Claudia Sheinbaum, a follower of the current president, former head of government of Mexico City, is the one with the best performance. Another woman follows him, Xóchiti Gálvez and Jorge Alvarez Maynez. Whoever wins will have the US elections in mind. The extensive border, which unites and divides, will have the color and thickness according to what Trump or Biden dictates starting in January 2025. And here is a non-sexist alert, but in view of what is happening in that country: will a woman in Mexico?

– Day-to-day wars

The Russia-Ukraine one does not weaken the Russians. But it could enter the NATO funnel, which would be catastrophic for Europe that wants to protect Ukraine within its fold. This column warned of the enormous risk of Ukraine joining NATO.

That of Israel-Gaza, an obfuscation by Netanyahu with enormous risks for the region and for Israel itself. The US does not accept his protector as an advisor. Very serious. Meanwhile, he continues to murder civilians in darkened Gaza.

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