Let’s move forward against the mafias

“It is very difficult to fight the mafias, but we have to do it. And we can’t do it alone. People have to support decent citizens. No matter how much they threaten us, they are not going to intimidate us.” This was stated by the Minister of Human Capital, Sandra Pettovelloin statements made to Ambit.

The minister confirmed that she, her officials and their families “they suffered threats.” He also maintained that “They are making false accusations against me” in reference to the complaint for illicit association that a lawyer made against him, his former secretary, Pablo De la Torre and from the director to the Organization of Ibero-American States, Luis Scasso, for “illicit association” in the allegedly fraudulent hiring of professionals through this organization.

Despite these operations, Pettovello stated that “We are going to move forward, they are not going to intimidate us, we have to defend Argentina from the mafias”.

This Sunday the president Javier Milei He came out to defend his minister. The president, in radio statements, maintained that The minister was threatened and so were the people who investigate the intermediaries of plans and dining rooms and said that “They are cynical, psychopathic, capable of anything.”

Pettovello told this media that “I took office as an ordinary citizen.” And she added that “There is no alternative but to report acts of corruption. What I want is to transform Argentina in an honest way.

After stating that he feels “proud for the absolute support it receives from the president and the entire cabinet,” the minister stated that “One cannot alone against the mafias, we need the support of the people who want a different Argentina for our children”.

In relation to the controversy surrounding food held by the Ministry, he assured that “There is no expired food in the warehouses we have to deal with emergencies”. He clarified that, as the expiration date of these products approaches, he delivers them to them.

He precisely announced that This Monday the Army will begin to deliver this merchandise to the Foundation Cooperator of Child Nutrition (CONIN) which has branches in different parts of the country.

Asked in particular about the stock of yerba mate, she stated that the issue has been being investigated for two months. First, because it is “a supposedly fraudulent purchase, there was a prior complaint” and, second, due to another complaint from herbalists who warn that it is a type of weed that is not recommended for consumption.

In this regard, they requested studies from the National Agri-Food Health and Quality Service (SENASA) and a private laboratory and they hope to have the results within 10 days.

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