PREP INE 2024: Who is winning the elections in Mexico?

PREP INE 2024: Who is winning the elections in Mexico?
PREP INE 2024: Who is winning the elections in Mexico?

Who is winning: Claudia Sheinbaum, Jorge Álvarez Máynez or Xóchitl Gálvez? ). EFE/ Isaac Esquivel/Mario Guzmán/Miguel Sierra

This Sunday, the National Electoral Institute (INE) published the first results of the Preliminary Electoral Results Program (PREP), where it gives a clear advantage to Claudia Sheinbaum over her opponents for the presidency of the Republic.

In Infobae Mexico You will be able to know the updated data on how the calculations are progressing, resulting from being official disseminators of the INE.

The PREP is a system that provides preliminary results of federal elections, through the capture and publication of the data recorded by polling station officials in the tally and counting records of the polling stations that are received at the Data Collection and Transmission Centers (CEDAT).

Through this program it is possible for the preliminary results of the elections that took place on this day to be made known in real time, through official Internet portals, with certainty and timeliness.

It is important, point out that the results presented by the PREPand published in this text, have For informational purposes only and are not definitive..

Despite the reliability of this method, the definitive and legally valid results are the digital computations, which will begin on Wednesday June 5 at 8:00 a.m..

The PREP is not the only analysis offered by the National Electoral Institute on the progress of the preliminary results of the presidential elections, there is also the Quick Count, offering a look at trends.

After the polls close, at 6:00 p.m., poll officials face a monumental task: counting each of the votes cast during the morning and afternoon. Subsequently, to carry out a Quick Count, a group of experts randomly chooses a number of polling stations in the country and once the votes are counted, the information is sent to the INE.

Quick Count calculates the results from the votes actually cast at the polls. Thus, among the 10 and 11 p.m. it is possible to know the voting trends and it could be Guadalupe Taddei who reports on these first results, just as her predecessor Lorenzo Córdova did in the 2018 elections.

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