IEEG installs surveillance session – El Sol de Irapuato

IEEG installs surveillance session – El Sol de Irapuato
IEEG installs surveillance session – El Sol de Irapuato

GUANAJUATO, Gto.- From 30 to 45 minutes is the estimated time that the polling stations had to open. in the state of Guanajuato, reported the President Councilor, Brenda Canchola Elizarraraz during the installation of the election day surveillance session.

At closing time at 11 in the morning, announced that of the more than 8 thousand polling stations deployed throughout the state, 7 thousand polling stations had been installed, that is, 85.95 percent of the voting spaces.

Howeverthe electoral official commented that the delays in opening are not seriousbut corresponds to an action specific to the installation process, that is, attributable to circumstantial situations.

Canchola Elizarraraz highlighted citizen participation in the democratic festival, given that contrary to past electoral processes lParticipation in the first hours of the day was lower which will be registered in 2024.

For its part, In her message, electoral advisor Nora García He highlighted that the groups historically not visible in this election are recognized, he exemplified that one of them is the people with disabilities who represent 15 percent of the voting population.

Furthermore, he recognized women’s participation in the democratic and political life not only of the state but of the country and that will allow Guanajuato has a female governor for the first time.

In this regard, the counselor Luis Gabriel Mota took the opportunity to call the more than 4 million Guanajuato citizens to cast their vote for the various elected positions.

Furthermore, he highlighted the participation of the 48 thousand polling station officials and of the 32 thousand security guards in the state and three national security guards.

recognized the work of the 466 journalists de 69 media national and local.

He remembered that in 2021 Atarjea was one of the municipalities with the highest votes.

Projection broad citizen participation for the voting and I trust that the Political apathy is not what prevails in the current election.

In this regard, the electoral councilorl Beatríz Tovar Guerrero He assured that the IEEG has guaranteed since 1995 that the votes are counted and in this election of the June 2 cannot be the exception, he maintained.

The future of Mexico in the current elections

Furthermore, he said that 162 people in 25 of the 46 municipalities They already exercised their vote as part of the new forms of voting and that contributes to the early vote request.

At the IEEG we are ready to do what we know how to do best, organize elections and that as a historical fact is that for the first occasion there will be a woman governor“, he stated.

He recognized the work of the collegiate bodies which together allow the elections to be held when election day arrives. “Let’s make our vote part of history, for the love of Guanajuato, for the love of Mexico.”

Morena reports incidents

It is worth mentioning that Morena’s representative before the Electoral Institute of the state of Guanajuato (IEEG)José Luis Barbosa denounced irregularities in the installation of the polling station, 1633 belonging to the municipality of León.

When talking about the individual pointed out that the electoral ballots were transported in vehicles assigned to the National Action Party.

The party representative requested the intervention of the electoral authorities so that review the reported actions.

In said report was supported with printing of the photographs in which evidenced the aforementioned.

He also commented that in the Sierra de Santa Rosa in Guanajuato capital one of the observers of said party was attacked by hooded men and was injured after they attacked him.

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He stated that It’s a chase against the militants of Brunette.

In the cases referredthe electoral authorities have not confirmed the aforementioned facts, since they are currently reviewing these statements.

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