Starbucks gave him a coffee for voting in the Mexico 2024 elections, but with a strange message

Starbucks gave him a coffee for voting in the Mexico 2024 elections, but with a strange message
Starbucks gave him a coffee for voting in the Mexico 2024 elections, but with a strange message

Among the multiple promotions that were launched by Mexico elections 2024one was to receive a free coffee at starbucks; although one person received something extra.

Through his X account, the user identified as “@DiegoFcoNajera” shared the photo showing the coffee they gave him at Starbucks during the Mexico 2024 elections.

However, this gift came with an extra, a curious message We don’t know if they dedicated it to him or to everyone who voted in this June 2nd.

Well, the promotion only involved the free drink, not that it had a dedication.

starbucks (Starbucks)

Your Starbucks coffee congratulates you for participating in the Mexico 2024 elections

He starbucks coffee that our friend received for participating in the Mexico elections 2024 It has the message, “Thanks for voting handsome!

Something quite curious, since it is a strange congratulation for having participated in the Mexico 2024 elections.

Well, it seems that whoever gave him his free drink has an interest in him beyond his exercising his right to vote on this election day.

Still, it seems that he didn’t pay much attention to the message extra in your coffee, because in the publication it only mentions that it was an excellent promotion.

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Message for the Mexico 2024 elections in Starbucks coffee (Special)

The message of the Mexico 2024 elections is surprising because Starbucks no longer marks its cups

We say that the message that “@DiegoFcoNajera” received through the Mexico elections 2024 It’s curious and strange, because starbucks He stopped marking his glasses recently.

If you haven’t been to a Starbucks recently, the baristas still ask for your name; but they point this one directly in a label that sticks to the glass.

No markers or markings on the packaging; So for this promotion someone took the time to congratulate this young man for being part of the Mexico 2024 elections.

Well, if we are attentive, it is clearly seen that outside of this curious messagethe glass does not have any other words written on it.

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starbucks (Starbucks)

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