Mexico Elections 2024: Promotions and sales for voting

Mexico Elections 2024: Promotions and sales for voting
Mexico Elections 2024: Promotions and sales for voting

As part of the search to encourage a greater number of voters In these recent elections in Mexico, different establishments and businesses recognition throughout the country offered different promotions and discounts that some people on the nominal list took advantage of, thus getting the full potential out of their vote.

Whether restaurants, cafes, stores and different types of establishments came together to encourage electoral voting in 2024 and thereby reduce absenteeism in these elections, however, The results were various around the country, ranging from success in sales to the discontent of some voters. upon discovering that some businesses were refusing to deliver what was promised.

We present you a brief summary of what happened throughout this electoral journey regarding the different promotions that were offered in different places for those who decided to carry out the democratic exercise in different entities of the Mexican republic.

READ: What time do the results of the elections in Mexico 2024 come out?

How were the promotions for the 2024 elections in Mexico?

Through the Facebook profile “Tragones pero finos”, a page that shares the pleasure of food and drink, he published a photographic some huge lines that were formed in two famous establishments where they even had to announce that the free donuts had been eliminated of your options.

FACEBOOK/Glutgy but fine

Linked to it, Different users on social networks expressed their discontent at the refusal of these establishments regarding the reduction or elimination of their own promotions for all voters. who exercised their right, highlighting some comments such as:

“They told me that because it was 10:00 the promotion no longer applied although they did have a product… what a scam.”

“The Krispy Kreme promo is over… the democracy party got off to a bad start.”

In addition to that Another major ice cream company also experienced dissatisfaction with its customers by not providing part of the promised promotions and gifts. to members of the nominal list, including PROFECO.

“Dairy Queen chtpm that the promotion for voting does not apply in all states.”

“At José María Chávez Aguascalientes’ @DairyQueen @DQMexico they do not respect promotions. “Prophecy Eye.”

READ: Vote counting begins in Mexico



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