Second criminal trial for the explosion at PH Costa Mare is scheduled for today

Second criminal trial for the explosion at PH Costa Mare is scheduled for today
Second criminal trial for the explosion at PH Costa Mare is scheduled for today

This Monday, June 3, the criminal trial will be held for the second time for the death of the child Marcelo Ignacio Muñoz Lima and the personal injuries suffered by Karina Lima and the child Miguel Ignacio Muñoz Lima, after the explosion that occurred at the PH Costa Mare , on May 31, 2019.

The victims must appear before a Trial Court of the Accusatory Criminal System, in order for the criminal responsibility of Heriberto Polo and Abraham Pinto, collaborators of the PH Costa Mare, to be declared.

On March 29, 2023, a Trial Court, made up of judges Vitervo Quintero Montenegro, José Madrid and Leyla Terán, found Pinto, Polo and the company MTS Gestión Total, SA, in charge of the administration of the PH Costa Mare, guilty. for the explosion that occurred on May 31, 2019 in this residential complex, in Costa Sur, in the district of Don Bosco.

In August 2023, the judges of the Superior Court of Appeals, Gladys Moreno Peralta, José Sánchez Gallego and Adrián José Hernández, issued the annulment ruling No.139-2023-TSA, by which they acquitted the company MTS Gestión Total SA and They ordered a new criminal trial to be held, but only for their collaborators Heriberto Polo and Abraham Pinto.

The sentence was communicated to the parties, by the Judicial Office, by email, on the night of Friday, August 18 and it revokes the initial decision of a Trial Court, with which the three defendants had been declared criminally responsible. including the management company, whose operating license had been suspended for a period of 5 years.

After this decision, Karina Lima, victim and mother of the affected children, said she was devastated, after the corporation was released from any liability and asked to redo the entire trial against the two company workers.

That night of May 31, at around 9:00 pm, the Muñoz Lima family experienced the tragic event that ended the life of Marcelo Muñoz Lima, a baby of only 10 months, and caused serious injuries to his brother Miguel and his mother Karina Lima, who were then 5 and 35 years old respectively.

Karina demands justice after learning on August 19, 2023, at 10:49 p.m., through an email that the trial that concluded with the conviction of three defendants had been annulled.

“This great pain will never have a happy ending. I just hope for a fair one…”, she previously expressed to this medium.

Five years after the tragedy, they must go to court again in search of justice.

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