Donald Trump publishes a video on TikTok, the network he wanted to ban when he was president

Donald Trump publishes a video on TikTok, the network he wanted to ban when he was president
Donald Trump publishes a video on TikTok, the network he wanted to ban when he was president

New York, June 3 (EFE).- Former US President Donald Trump, very suspicious of some social networks, has shared his first video on TikTok, a platform that he himself tried to ban during his term in the White House (2017-2021). ).

The former Republican president published a video this weekend during his attendance at the Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC), the famous American fighting championship, held in Newark, in the state of New Jersey.

“It’s an honor,” Trump said in the TikTok video, which includes footage of him waving and posing for photos with fans attending the event this weekend.

“That was a good walk, right?” he points out to the camera at the end of the short video, published just two days after becoming the first former US president to be convicted of serious crimes.

According to various media, the video of the former president, who is immersed in promoting his candidacy for the next elections, reached some 24 million views with 1.1 million followers in just a few hours.

“We will not leave any front defenseless and this represents continued outreach to a younger audience that consumes pro-Trump and anti-Biden content,” Trump spokesman Steven Cheung said in a statement about the former president’s decision to join the platform, they publish local media.

In December 2020, then-President Trump attempted to ban the platform, but a federal judge in Washington blocked the measure and a year later, with Joe Biden in the White House, another federal judge in Montana blocked a state law banning the network stating that “is unconstitutional and probably violates the first amendment.”

TikTok is a platform that has millions of users around the world and is owned by ByteDance, a company based in Beijing.

Precisely, the Chinese origin of the social network, which in the US alone has 170 million users – according to platform data – generates misgivings among Western governments. EFE


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