Milei met with Sandra Pettovello to personally convey her support, after the food controversy

Milei met with Sandra Pettovello to personally convey her support, after the food controversy
Milei met with Sandra Pettovello to personally convey her support, after the food controversy

The Minister of Human Capital, Sandra Pettovello

In the midst of the controversy over the lack of delivery of 5 thousand tons of food and the different complaints involving the Ministry of Human Capital Due to this situation, the president Javier Milei met at the Quinta de Olivos with Sandra Pettovellowhom he considers one of his main officials, to personally convey his support.

Shortly after returning from her tour of the United States and El Salvador, the national president received her at the official residence along with the former head of the Central Bank, Federico Sturzeneggerwho will soon join the Government, to work on a new contracting system that prevents this failure in logistics from occurring again and, at the same time, eliminates intermediaries.

In this context, the head of state took the opportunity to communicate to Pettovello, directly and in a private setting, the support that he also expressed publicly through a message he shared on social networks, which was later joined by other members of the ruling party.

From other ministers to members of the economic team, including deputies and legislators, the minister was defended from the criticism that intensified after Justice ordered her to urgently distribute thousands of kilos of powdered milk that were close to expiring, a error that led to the displacement of Pablo de la Torrewho was also denounced for not fulfilling his task.

In most cases, the representatives of La Libertad Avanza followed the line of the President, who assured that Pettovello is criticized by a sector of the opposition because she came to “end corruption so that aid arrives without intermediaries.”

On several occasions, Milei highlighted the work of the head of Human Capital, who in addition to Education, Labor and Anses, is in charge of the functions that corresponded to Social Development, which is why she manages assistance to the most vulnerable sectors.

Pettovello carried out a plan to eliminate intermediaries from social plans
Pettovello carried out a plan to eliminate intermediaries from social plans

“What is happening in Human Capital is that There is a brave, capable minister with all the guts necessary to confront this entire group of criminals. And it doesn’t just remain a media complaint. “He goes and takes him to justice,” the President remarked this Sunday, in an interview with Radio Miter.

In this sense, the national authorities consider that the questions to the official arose from the complaints she recently launched against important social and political leaders, such as the leader of the Polo Obrero, Eduardo Belliboni; the former secretary of Social Economy, Emilio Persico; the former Minister of Social Development, Victoria Tolosa Paz, Juan Grabois and even the former president Alberto Fernandez.

For his part, after the meeting with Milei and Pettovello at Quinta de Olivos, Sturzenegger announced that he designed a new contracting system that involves the private sector, for future “contingency purchases” made by the Ministry of Human Capital.

The leader will join the Government in the coming days, although his appointment is delayed because the President must still determine with him “the scope of the new Ministry that he is going to head” and that, broadly speaking, it will be in charge of deregulate the economy, in accordance with what they specified Infobae official sources.

Sturzenegger will soon join the Government (REUTERS/Matías Baglietto)
Sturzenegger will soon join the Government (REUTERS/Matías Baglietto)

For now, the person who will be sworn into office this Monday will be the new Chief of Staff, Guillermo Francoswho was one of the first Government representatives to support Pettovello: “He is an absolutely transparent and honest person who encountered enormous confusion in the area and began to make important changes,” he said in a recent interview in Radio Miter.

However, those around the former Minister of the Interior denied that it was his own initiative to go out en masse to support the head of the Human Capital portfolio and, instead, they maintain that it would have been a spontaneous act to which they joined Patricia Bullrich (Security), Luis Petri (Defending), Mario Russo (Health), Eduardo Chirillo (Energy) and Martin Menem (Chamber of Deputies), among others.

The order to go out to support the official would have come from Milei himself, even when he was still on his return trip to Buenos Aires. Shortly after, the President also decided to summon her to Olivos to hear her version of the events and work on the new hiring scheme.

The minister also faces the rumors of an alleged illegal collection scheme based on agreements with the Organization of Ibero-American States (OEI) and employees who joined because they were acquaintances of important Buenos Aires leaders and that they were not going to work, although for the moment the Government did not comment on these issues.

Beyond the latest changes in the Cabinet, after the departure of Nicolas Posse and the recent displacement of De la Torre and the officials who had been appointed by them, the libertarian leadership does not want any more modifications.

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