Deep sorrow for the death of Alexis Herrera Flores, a prominent and historic Tierraamarillano professor

Deep sorrow for the death of Alexis Herrera Flores, a prominent and historic Tierraamarillano professor
Deep sorrow for the death of Alexis Herrera Flores, a prominent and historic Tierraamarillano professor

The sensitive death of someone who was one of the most prominent personalities of this commune has caused deep regret in the Tierramarillana community: Professor Alexis Jacinto Herrera Flores, whose mark as a teacher went beyond the beloved classrooms of the school that he directed and forged for so many years, enlarging it in decades of constant educational work; He also left his mark as an innate leader in many works of advancement and well-being for his beloved town of Los Loros.

Teacher Teacher, graduated from the Copiapó Normal School in 1960, shared for many years with the people, living with them in the town of Los Loros, an instance that allowed him to experience directly and daily the multiple shortcomings and needs that affected to the entire community of said place. From this, he proposed to work hard, together with social organizations, neighbors and authorities, to improve the living conditions for his students, parents and the community in general.

In this area, it is worth highlighting the most relevant activities, where Alexis Herrera Flores participated in training, coordination and community management.

Formation of the Commission to provide the town with electrical energy, which was successfully completed in 1975.

Coordination of actions to supply drinking water to the entire Lorina community.

Formation and coordination of the Pro Television Committee, to install a TVN repeater antenna, an achievement achieved in 1981.

Participation on behalf of the Los Loros community in the Regionalization Conferences of 1984, when he managed the project and subsequent construction of 20 homes for the School staff.

Completion of the project to enable Rural Telephony in 1898.

Delegate of the Rural Sports and Recreational Channel, the body that allowed the construction of the “Los Loros Rural Sports, Recreational and Cultural Center” complex.

Professor Herrera also actively collaborated in the development and growth of the educational sector of Los Loros, within which he is recognized for the following most significant achievements.

-Transformation of the school into an establishment with a boarding school to receive boys and girls from rural and mountainous sectors, without access to education, later leading to the creation of the Border Concentration School, significantly increasing educational coverage in the sector. Under his direction, the best rural school in Chile was chosen.

Creation of the First Communal War Band in 1968, currently being one of the oldest bands in the Atacama region.

-Main manager of the project “Curriculum Innovation, updating of the Spanish-type Viticulture and Grapevine Technification Program”, approved by the Ministry of Education in 1992, from which the first export of table grapes from the school’s grapevine was carried out. .

Teacher Alexis Herrera Flores also received numerous distinctions for his extensive teaching work, outlined in his extensive curriculum, as reflected in his constant improvement, in his desire to improve his educational management, for the benefit of the educational community of Los Loros.

A born educator has left this world, a character with a strong personality and leadership in purposes oriented to the common well-being; firm fighter to achieve goals in favor of the Lorina community. Teacher and educator par excellence, trainer of new generations of teachers and great community manager. In short, a teacher of teachers.

Movimiento de los Loros paid him an emotional tribute on their Facebook account.

(We appreciate the collaboration of Mrs. Ines Villanueva Villalobos.)

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