Trump calls the order that Biden will sign to limit asylum at the border “amnesty”

Trump calls the order that Biden will sign to limit asylum at the border “amnesty”
Trump calls the order that Biden will sign to limit asylum at the border “amnesty”

Washington, June 4 (EFE).- Former US President Donald Trump (2017-2021), future Republican candidate for the November elections, described this Tuesday the executive order that Democratic President Joe Biden has as an “amnesty”. planned to sign today to limit asylum applications at the border, in what is one of its toughest immigration measures.

“Let’s be clear: Joe Biden’s executive order is an amnesty, it is not for border security,” Karoline Leavitt, national press secretary for the Trump campaign, said in a statement.

The campaign touched on common themes of the tycoon’s rhetoric, ensuring that “Biden’s illegal immigrants are devastating” the United States and have caused “a wave of crime in all states”, something denied by numerous studies such as one by the Brennan Center For Justice which concludes that migration is not linked to more crime.

“The border invasion and immigration crime will not stop until corrupt Joe Biden is deported from the White House,” the Trump campaign attacked.

Biden plans to sign an executive order this Tuesday that will allow him to limit asylum requests on the border with Mexico if the number of migrant arrests exceeds a specific threshold, according to what a legislative source and another familiar with internal discussions informed EFE on Monday. .

The initiative, which the White House has not yet made public, will allow US authorities to quickly deport people who cross irregularly, without giving them the opportunity to present an asylum case, when a number of daily arrests that are still exceeded. is up for debate.

According to what the aforementioned source familiar with internal debates told EFE, the measure would come into force when 2,500 irregular daily crossings are reached.

The order comes six months before the general elections, in which Biden aims to be re-elected for a second term. Migration management has become a central issue for voters, surpassing the economy and inflation, according to a Gallup poll published at the end of April. EFE


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