Climate in Peru: the weather forecast for Cuzco this June 7

Climate in Peru: the weather forecast for Cuzco this June 7
Climate in Peru: the weather forecast for Cuzco this June 7

Climate information is increasingly relevant to society. (Infobae/Jovani Pérez)

Weather forecasts, based on observation and mathematical modelshelp predict the state of the atmosphere at a given time and location from various relationships such as temperature, humidity, pressure, precipitation or wind.

Weather forecasts are practices that have been carried out for hundreds of years, even before the Christian era, basically based on the observation of cloud patterns, wind, and the time of year, although initially these They were not very accurate.

It was not until the emergence of new technologies (such as computers) that mathematical models began to be implemented that made it possible to achieve more precise predictions, becoming a fundamental factor for the transportation (land, sea or air), agriculture, tourism, disaster prevention, public health and even military operationsthis beyond deciding whether or not to carry an umbrella or what outfit to put on.

Below is the weather status for the next few hours in Cusco for this Friday:

During the day temperature will reach a maximum of 23 degrees, the probability of rain It will be 0%, with 1% cloudiness, while wind gusts will be 24 kilometers per hour.

As for ultraviolet rays, they are expected to reach a level of up to 7.

For the night, temperature will reach -2 degrees, while precipitation forecast It will be 0%, with 0% cloud cover, while wind gusts will reach 11 kilometers per hour at night.

Prediction of the weather in Cusco (Illustrative image Infobae)
Prediction of the weather in Cusco (Illustrative image Infobae)

Cusco is one of the departments with the most climates in Peru, with 16 typesis characterized by a state of the weather rainy, temperate and with a lack of humidity mainly in autumn and winter.

In the north of the department, where the city of Cusco is located, The predominant climate is temperate, with rain and humidity abundant all seasons of the year.

The particular weather condition of this region is due to the presence of mountainous areas, mainly to the south, where the Andes mountain range is located.


In Peru there are up to 38 types of climateaccording to the National Service of Meteorology and Hydrology (Senamhi), this as a result of the interaction between different climatic and geographical factors.

These main factors, Senamhi details, are its geographical position in the Tropic of Capricorn and the proximity of the Andes Mountains.

Of the 38 climates, Senamhi highlights three main which are defined according to the area of ​​the country in which they are located.

On the coast of the South American country, which faces the Pacific Ocean and covers only 11.6% of the national territory, the prevailing weather is arid and temperateits main climatic characteristic being the lack of rain.

In the sawthe area near the Andes Mountains and which occupies 28.1% of the Peruvian territory, the climate is rainy and cold mostly.

While in the junglewhere the tropical climate of Peru is most observed, occupying 60.3% of its surface, the weather is defined as very rainy and hot.

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