In the midst of his romance with China Suárez, Lauty Gram revealed how much he suffers from the exposure: It’s ugly that…

LAuty Gram and Fer Dente – capture Noche al Dente.jpg

Nowadays I don’t mind being on the news portals. Maybe in the first few years you get down a bit. ‘Uh, what a joke that they’re saying this.’ But today it is already there. See if I’m going to get sad because X person says such a thing or comments that. It’s ugly that they talk about private life, especially if I didn’t share it or it’s something I don’t want to talk about.he acknowledged Lauty in front of an attentive Fer Dente.

And when asked if he gets angry, responds or doesn’t say anything, the TikToker was blunt. Zero, I don’t say anything. But recently they uploaded a photo I took of myself, a selfie, and on the side was a gum wrapper. ‘Condom on Lauty Gram’s table’, they said. Lastly, there is nothing wrong with having a condom on the table. You have to use it. But imagine what they want to achieve, what they want to invent so that with a wrapper they can go out and say anything.”depicted the influencer without mincing words.

The notable gesture of China Suárez with Lauty Gram that strengthens the courtship

To clear up any type of crisis rumor, a tender gesture from the China Suarez with Lauty Gram that reaffirms the good time they are going through as a couple.

At the beginning of last May, the sister of Lauty She was a mother and the actress and singer did not hesitate to go visit the little newborn. She even took a photo with her baby doing upa with the rest of her boyfriend’s family.

Was Cande Mazzone who shared the image in question from his Instagram account and which clears up any type of crisis between the two.

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“Lo más popu uploaded it. Lauty’s sister had a son, I spoke to her a couple of times, she is divine. “In spite of this link, China and Lauty Gram are doing well.”the journalist said from the networks with the photo in question.

In it you see the China Suarez posing happy holding baby next to Lauty and his family. Meanwhile, the singer posted with emotion: “With my new nephew”in an image where he is seen alone with the baby in his arms.

In this sense, the lomaspopucom Instagram account expanded with the same photos: “Donato is two days old and China Suárez has already changed his diaper”.

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