which lines do not provide service this Friday

which lines do not provide service this Friday
which lines do not provide service this Friday

The Autonomous City of Buenos Aires and the Buenos Aires suburbs woke up this Friday with a bus stoppage that affects seven lines that make their journey in the Buenos Aires Metropolitan Area (AMBA). The force measure began at midnight and will last for 24 hours.

The strike is due to a wage claim by the workers of the Ersa Groupfrom the companies of collectives Ersa Urbano and Micro Bus Saavedra SATACI.

Bus stoppage in AMBA: the reason

The suspension of the service has to do with the non-payment of salaries. The workers of the Ersa Group claim that they have not yet received the salary increase agreed by the UTA (Automotive Tram Union) for its members.

For that reason, they decided to carry out the forceful measure in order for the claim to be heard after passing certain instances. Furthermore, they clarified that, until they receive the money, They will not resume work.

Metrobus Buses Sube Public Transport

Surprising bus stoppage in the AMBA.

Ignacio Petunchi

Bus stoppage: the lines that will not work this Friday, June 7

  • 19
  • 133
  • 140
  • 153
  • 184
  • 253
  • 321

Guillermo Francos vetoed the return of transportation subsidies

After the dissolution of the Interior Compensation Fundwhich regulated transportation subsidies and allowed the price of the bus ticket to be supported, Francos reiterated that It is not in the Government’s plans to revive it.

On the subject, the former Minister of the Interior said that “there will be no national subsidies for provincial transportation.” “These are provincial issues, which the provinces have to resolve. We can discuss, and we are always open to doing so, the national tax system and Co-participation. Surely our Government will have a proposal to reformulate the national tax system,” Indian.

In that vein, he said that “we cannot declaim federalism and ask for subsidies from the Nation” and explained: “Federalism implies that the province collects its taxes and receives other national taxes that are from Co-participation and uses them for the management of the province. If each Whenever he needs it, he asks the Nation for subsidies, a system is generated that is a hieroglyph“.

“If when you need money the Nation is responsible, then these types of mechanisms are requested and the entire State becomes complicated. What needs to be modified are the underlying issues. We have a federal system in the Constitution: let’s apply it,” he concluded.

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