Milei continues with the reduction of national subsidies for energy and gas

Milei continues with the reduction of national subsidies for energy and gas
Milei continues with the reduction of national subsidies for energy and gas

The national government ordered a new significant reduction in subsidies for electricity and gas. Based on this measure, the elimination of subsidies will impact the electricity and gas bills paid by users in the province.

Decree 465, dated May 27, 2024, creates a transition period for the removal of these subsidies, which runs from June 1 to November 30, 2024.

Electric power

Resolution 90, dated June 4, 2024, establishes the subsidized consumption limits that users will have, that is, the bonuses.

The values ​​established by said resolution are the following:

Level 2 is set at (350) kWh/month

Level 3 is set at (250) kWh/month

Meanwhile, for bioenvironmental zones that do not have gas and only for the months of June and August the values ​​will be:

Level 2 is set at (700) kWh/month

Level 3 is set at (500) kWh/month

Starting with this Resolution 90, Level 1 users must assume the full cost of their electricity consumption (0% bonus).

In turn, Level 2 users, up to the set limit, will enjoy a discount of (71.9%) on the full price while in the case of Level 3 users, up to the set limit, they will have a discount of ( 55.9%) on the full price.

How much will CAMMESA charge EDELaR?

The national government also issued Resolution 92 (June 4, 2024) which sets the power, energy and transportation values ​​that CAMMESA will charge the EDELaR company.

Here it is necessary to remember that, in February 2024, by Resolution 7 of the Ministry of Energy of the Nation, the value of Power (3,200%), Energy (100% for N1 and GUDIS, 400% for irrigators and industrial users) was increased. and 500% to merchants) and Transportation (1,865%).

That is to say, the only ones that had not been increased were the N2 (without consumption limit) and the N3 up to a consumption limit (650 and 400 Kwh). It must be taken into account that today Resolution 90 is being judicially questioned.

With the application of the two new resolutions of the Ministry of Energy of the Nation, a new table of the values ​​that CAMMESA will charge EDELAR is established and they are the following:

– Increase in Transportation of more than 100% of the value that had already increased more than 1,000% for all users.

– 30% increase in Energy for those who had already received an increase, including surplus N3.

– Increase for base N2 (up to 350 kWh consumption) in Power of more than 800% and in Energy of more than 400%.

– An increase for surplus N2 (consumptions greater than 350 kWh) in Power of more than 3,200% and in Energy of more than 1,800%.

– An increase for the base N3 (up to 250 kWh of consumption) in Power of more than 1,300% and in Energy of more than 580%.

Natural gas

With respect to natural gas (June 4, 2024), Resolution 91 of the National Secretariat of Energy sets the values ​​of wholesale natural gas, called the PIST value.

The resolution in question establishes subsidized consumption limits for bonuses, using the limits established by Resolution 686/2022 for N3 and also applying them for N2.

The limits are applied in quantities of m3 depending on the month of the year and are as follows:

– Level 1 users will assume the full cost (0% bonus), while Level 2 users, up to the set limit, will enjoy a discount of (64%) on the full price. In turn, for the consumption of Level 3 users up to the established limit, there will be a discount of (55%) on the full price.

Based on these values, it is estimated that final natural gas bills will increase between 11% and 50%.

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