In Santiago, another criminal from the Aragua Train, released by the Los Vilos Court, surrenders | National

In Santiago, another criminal from the Aragua Train, released by the Los Vilos Court, surrenders | National
In Santiago, another criminal from the Aragua Train, released by the Los Vilos Court, surrenders | National

Early this Friday morning he surrendered a second criminal from the Aragua Train, who was freed by Los Vilos Court after a hearing where the Prosecutor’s Office had a very poor presentation.

This is Jordan Salas, who appeared at the Fourth Police Station of Santiago along with his lawyer, Franco Navarrete.

It was the defender himself who confirmed the information to Radio Bío Bío.

Watch the interview:

“Don Jordan Salas contacted me. We got together in the early morning of this day and decided to do a voluntary delivery to the Fourth Police Station of Santiago. He had kept up with information during the afternoon, that apparently he had an arrest warrant,” said the professional.

He added that Salas “did not watch television or news for two days, basically because he went out and chose to be with his family, he slept. As soon as she found out that he eventually had a warrant for his arrest, he contacted the defense, and in that sense The recommendation was that it be presented voluntarily. directly to the police unit to check if this order was really effective. What we did and did at around 5:25 in the morning.”

Navarrete explained that, despite the fact that the investigation is being carried out in Los Vilos, his client has always been in the capital and was serving preventive detention in Santiago 1 prison.

He assures that the person represented is not from the Aragua Train

The lawyer assured that Salas “does not maintain no connection with other people regarding the cause.”

“The decision is individual and particular in consideration of the fact that he realized that remaining outside of justice It was a very bad exerciseTherefore, the recommendation was that he turn himself in, he managed to say goodbye to his wife, and he entered,” he added.

According to Navarrete, his client “would have no participation in the eventand those are the motivations for volunteering for this cause.”

Along with this, he asserted that he would have carried out conduct without knowing that it would be related to the kidnapping and that would not belong to the Aragua Train.

“Regarding the participation that he is accused of, it is a secondary participation where he would have eventually carried out a conduct or an action in which he would have been required by this organization, which has to do with something technical. He subsequently remained at his workplace, subsequently there was an arrest warrant against him, but he did not belong to any group, but simply that you were specifically required to perform an actionwhich he did not know was part of this fact that is being investigated,” he asserted.

Aggravated kidnapping

All this is part of a case where the five defendants are accused of aggravated kidnapping and other crimes.

After a poor presentation by the Prosecutor’s Office, the judge of Los Vilos, Daniella Pinto Cortés, revoked the preventive detention of the individuals.

According to the audios of the hearing, revealed by BBCL Investiga, the lawyer who acted as prosecutor, Luis Soto Pérez, could not argue Why should they all remain behind bars?. This despite the calls for attention and even clues that the magistrate left her to reinforce her position.

However, the Court of Appeals revoked the end of his preventive detentionbut only four of them paid the bail to finalize their release from prison.

Of them, two have already been recaptured and two other fugitives.

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