Aragua Train: Another person released on bail surrendered in Santiago

Aragua Train: Another person released on bail surrendered in Santiago
Aragua Train: Another person released on bail surrendered in Santiago

Another of those released on bail from the High Security Prisonwho are accused of crimes committed on the side of the Aragua Train, voluntarily surrenderedthis time to Carabineros, early this Friday.

Jordan Salas is the second defendant who has reappeared After the controversial decision – already reversed – of the Los Vilos Guarantee Courtthat on Monday reduced precautionary measures of five people involved who were in preventive detention since the end of 2023, prosecuted for crimes of aggravated kidnapping, robbery with intimidation and illicit associationcommitted in the regions of Coquimbo and Valparaíso.

The subject arrived at the Fourth Police Station of Santiago around 5:25 a.m. in the company of his lawyer, Franco Navarretewho assures that his client “He found out yesterday afternoon, through the press, that there would eventually be an arrest warrant against him”, given that the La Serena Court of Appeals revoked the court’s ruling on Wednesday.

“The last information he had was that he was being released through the Los Vilos Guarantee Court. That decision would have been overturned; However, it would not have been notified to him personally“, alleged the jurist, because once released, Salas “spent a couple of hours with his family, and was disconnected from any information.”

Navarrete specified that “when he found out that he had an arrest warrant, he contacted the defense. It is a logical exercise, he is doing what corresponds,” while asserting that this defendant “has no knowledge of the other people who would be in the band, He is not part of the Aragua Train, and that is precisely why he presents himself that the investigation continues its course.”

The lawyer added that the person involved says he has an economic activitywhich will be accredited in the development of this cause, and that he was trying to regularize his immigration status after reporting himself to the authorities.

For its part, The Prosecutor’s Office maintains that the subject played a secondary role in the operations of the criminal cell. The subject will go to detention control at 11:00 a.m. at the Santiago Justice Center.

The 27-year-old man who yesterday surrendered to PDI personnel in Los Vilos was remanded in preventive detention hours later. Meanwhile, the Interpol issued an international arrest warrant for the remaining fugitives.

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