No, Javier Milei did not say: “In June we will be traveling with Sandra to Ukraine on a humanitarian mission to bring food.”

No, Javier Milei did not say: “In June we will be traveling with Sandra to Ukraine on a humanitarian mission to bring food.”
No, Javier Milei did not say: “In June we will be traveling with Sandra to Ukraine on a humanitarian mission to bring food.”

If you only have a few seconds, read these lines:

  • An alleged plaque from the Corta media circulates on social networks with a statement attributed to President Javier Milei. Furthermore, the viral plaque indicates that the phrase was said in an interview on Radio Miter. This is false.
  • The plaque was not posted by Corta and there is no record of Milei ever saying that publicly.
  • Milei gave an interview on Radio Miter on June 2 with Gabriel Anello. There she supported the Minister of Human Capital, Sandra Petovello, after the controversy over food stored in warehouses. However, at no time did she say the phrase that is attributed to her.

An alleged license plate of the middle Corta circulates on social networks with a statement attributed to the president Javier Milei. “In June we will be traveling with Sandra to Ukraine on a humanitarian mission to bring food,” the alleged quote says. Furthermore, the viral plate indicates that she would have said the phrase in an interview on Radio Miter.

However, this is false. The plaque was not posted by Corta and there is no record of Milei ever saying that publicly.

The license plate is false and Milei never said the phrase attributed to him

The piece that went viral in recent days is a photo of Milei that includes the alleged verbatim phrase and Corta’s logo. But the image is fake.

There are no records that the content has been disseminated by the media. Checked verified that Corta did not publish the alleged license plate on her social networks (see here and here).

Furthermore, there are no records writings neither audiovisual that the president has said the phrase that is attributed to him publicly.

Milei gave a interview on Radio Miter on June 2 with Gabriel Anello. There she supported the Minister of Human Capital, Sandra Petovello, after the controversy over food stored in warehouses. However, at no time did she say the phrase attributed to her.

Fake plates: a common format to misinform

The dissemination of supposed media plates, with the photo of a person who is the protagonist of the public debate, a phrase and the logo of the media, It is a common practice to generate and spread misinformation, because it requires minimal editing efforts and can go viral quickly.

When encountering content of this type, it is necessary to ask: what is the original content? Who made it viral? What is the context of the content? Additionally, you can perform a reverse search or keyword search on Google to determine if there are records for that phrase. Checked elaborated a guide to detect them.

This check is part of the initiative Third Party Fact-checker from Facebook in Argentina. In the case of photos and videos, we work with doctored images or images taken out of context and we always analyze the images together along with the text with which they were presented.

Original publication date: 06/07/2024

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