Ale Sergi admitted to being very jealous of Juliana Gattas, his Miranda partner!

Ale Sergi admitted to being very jealous of Juliana Gattas, his Miranda partner!
Ale Sergi admitted to being very jealous of Juliana Gattas, his Miranda partner!

Ale Sergi and Juliana Gattas performed a great performance representing Miranda! in Big Brother (Telefe) after having won gold at the Gardel Awards. In this context, the singer revealed that he was very jealous of his partner.

After singing four of their hits inside the house, the singers told how they lived the experience in the streaming program spying on the house (DGO), and Diego Poggi took the opportunity to consult the artist: “The other day I saw a Tik Tok where you said that you were very jealous of Juli“.

Then, taking charge of his statements, Ale Sergi was sincere: “Yes, because I love her very much. I’m very possessive but it’s because she’s so good. If you sang with her once, you don’t know what it would be like. You can’t sing with anyone anymore afterwards“.

Although he exposed this side of himself within the artistic field, it is worth remembering that the members of Miranda! They have had their loving past.

How was Miranda’s presentation! in Big Brother

On Thursday, June 6, Miranda! entered Big Brother through the Frozen. The group led by Ale Sergi and Juliana Gattas entered the house to give a spectacular show with which they enchanted the participants and showed that they are the kings of pop.

As soon as they passed the door and entered the house, with the participants “frozen”, the duo checked the refrigerator and the boys’ bathroom.

Once Ale and Juli were placed on the stage that was set up in the sand from the Big Brother house, The players were thawed and ran after them to enjoy the show.


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