The new figure for the Child Bonus due to the increase in the minimum wage

The increase in the minimum wage that will occur in July of this year will bring modifications to the Child Bonus.

In July of this year there will be a new modification to the minimum wage in our country, which will cause changes in the Child Bonusbenefit that is delivered by the State and that seeks to increase the pension of women who are mothers in Chile.

Although, the minimum wage increase was carried out in a piecemeal manner, in the coming weeks it will be finalized the amount of $500 thousand pesos.

It is worth remembering that the benefit consists of the delivery of a certain amount of money for each son or daughter who has been born alive or who has been adopted.

In the latter case, the benefit will be generated both for the biological mother as well as for the adoptive mother.

How much is the new amount of the Child Bonus?

The profit begins to generate profitability from the date of birth of the child and is equivalent to 10% of 18 minimum monthly incomes (set for workers over 18 years of age and up to 65).

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Considering the above, the minimum amount of the bonus for beneficiaries whose children are born starting next July 1, It will be $900 thousand pesos.

Of course, the amount will be higher at the time of requesting it, considering profitability.

It is worth remembering that the Child Bonus is calculated in this way:

  • If the child was born before July 1, 2009the minimum income in force in July 2009 will be applied ($165 thousand).
  • If the child was born after July 1, 2009he minimum income will correspond to the amount that was in effect during the month in which the son was born.
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What are the requirements to receive the Child Bonus?

As detailed in ChileAtiende, the requirements to have the benefit delivered by him State are the following:

  • Be a mother and be 65 years of age or older.
  • Have a valid identity card. If the procedure is carried out by a representative, you will need to have a power of attorney.
  • Residing in Chilean territory for a period of 20 years (continuous or discontinuous), counted from the time they turned 20 years old. In addition, you must have resided in Chile for at least four years during the last five years prior to the application.
Uno Agency – Child Bonus

What are the conditions to request the Child Bonus?

As detailed on the site, the conditions to receive the benefit are as follows:

  • Be affiliated with an APF and have obtained the pension as of July 1, 2009 (if you receive a Provisional Solidarity Contribution for Old Age (APSV), the amount could be affected).
  • Be a beneficiary of the Universal Guaranteed Pension (PGU).
  • If you are not affiliated with a pension scheme, you must receive a Survivor Pension (with Old-Age Solidarity Pension Contribution) granted by an APF, insurance company or the Social Security Institute (IPS), as of July 1, 2009.

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