Residents of Robles, Jamundí township report a strong explosion

Residents of Robles, Jamundí township report a strong explosion
Residents of Robles, Jamundí township report a strong explosion

Residents of the municipality of Robles, Jamundí, reported that a few minutes ago a strong explosion in one of the streets of the town.

Through a statement, the Jamundí mayor’s office explains that it was the explosion of a car bomb detonated in the main park of the Robles district.

At the moment, they indicate that there was only material damage in some homes adjacent to the sector. There are no injured people.

“The authorities have responded quickly and effectively, deploying an exhaustive operation to investigate the circumstances and those responsible for this deplorable act. At this moment, they are collecting evidence and conducting interviews to clarify the details of the incident,” they highlight from the mayor’s office of the Valle del Cauca municipality, affected in recent months by a terrorist escalation by armed groups.

Only material damage occurred


The communication adds that said Administration “is taking all necessary measures to guarantee your safety. The protection of our people is and will continue to be ours Maximum priority”.

Wait for more expansion of the news.

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