They highlight the exemption in gas rates for Volunteer Firefighters

They highlight the exemption in gas rates for Volunteer Firefighters
They highlight the exemption in gas rates for Volunteer Firefighters

The barracks of Volunteer firefighters from all over the country who receive the natural gas service distributed through the network are exempt from paying the rate, as determined by Resolution No. 252/2024 that was published in the Official Gazette, which dictates the implementation of the benefit of free gas service, provided in Chapter I, of National Law 27,629 on Strengthening the National Volunteer Firefighters System.

The president of the Neuquén Federation of Volunteer Firefighters, Milton Canales, told Mejor Informed that “this measure is of great importance.” and that “it will greatly help the Volunteer Fire Stations that have natural gas service through the network.”

In that sense, he stated that “In the province of Neuquén, the vast majority of fire stations will be beneficiaries of the measure adopted,” although he clarified that There are four or five barracks that receive gas through LPG, which would be excluded from the tariff exemption, so we are making arrangements with Hidenesa.”

Canales assured that in the province of Neuquén, “there are 28 more Volunteer Firefighter barracks in the Federation” and that “there are four or five barracks that are left out of this benefit and for which we are making efforts.”

Finally, the president of the Volunteer Firefighters commented that “they are currently exempt from paying the electricity, water and municipal remuneration taxes” and said that they continue to manage “to ensure that telephone and internet are also free for fire stations.”

How to obtain this benefit?

The Provincial Associations and Federations must complete a formnow available on the organization’s website, attaching proof of registration in the National Registry of Volunteer Firefighters Entities (Resolution No. 420/2003).

This benefit is essential for firefighting institutions, since there are months of heavy use and they face very high costs daily. “This measure will be of great help to the Associations and Federations. Without a doubt, it is the result of the hard work of the leaders of the National Council and the Federation Assistance Team, with the objective of achieving the benefits established in Law 27,629.”

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