Arrest of businessman Carlos Ahumada reported in Panama

Arrest of businessman Carlos Ahumada reported in Panama
Arrest of businessman Carlos Ahumada reported in Panama

The businessman of Argentine origin and naturalized Mexican, Carlos Ahumada Kurtz, was arrested early this Friday in Panama, according to information from driver Ciro Gómez Leyva.

According to the Panamanian reporter, Danilo Iglesias, Radio Mía, the businessman was detained by the immigration authorities since he has a location file from Interpol.

Now, the Mexican authorities have 24 hours to request information and, if necessary, proceed judicially, but if there is no request from Mexico, Ahumada will be released.

Yesterday, a federal judge granted a provisional suspension to Carlos Ahumada against the arrest warrant issued by capital authorities in 2019, which prevents him from being detained unless it is a serious crime.

For this precautionary measure to take effect, it is necessary for Carlos Ahumada to make the payment of a guarantee of 79,500 pesos; According to criminal case 38/2007, Carlos Ahumada is accused of tax fraud of 1,647,236 pesos.

In Mexico he has pending complaints for alleged generic fraud in public works in Mexico City between 2000 and 2006.

Ahumada already spent 2 years in Mexico and was then released in 2007, so he left the country while investigations against him were being carried out; After a case was opened against him in 2016, Argentine authorities detained him in August 2019 in Buenos Aires at the request of the Mexican government, however, he was released.

However, the Government of Mexico requested his extradition, which was approved at the end of 2021, to which Ahumada declared that the AMLO government has a campaign of persecution and revenge against him.

Carlos Ahumada, Argentine businessman, revealed the video scandals of close collaborators of Andrés Manuel López Obrador when he was head of the Government of the Federal District and sought the Presidency of the Republic for the PRD in 2006.

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