«Becoming Karl Lagerfeld», the mysterious designer in the shoes of Daniel Brühl

«Becoming Karl Lagerfeld», the mysterious designer in the shoes of Daniel Brühl
«Becoming Karl Lagerfeld», the mysterious designer in the shoes of Daniel Brühl

She leads a life in the spotlight, but at the same time very lonely, with a great love story with Jacques de Bascher

Jun 8, 2024 . Updated at 05:00 a.m.

Daniel Bruhl gets under the skin Kaiser of fashion in Becoming Karl Lagerfelda character with a solitary life, who has turned out to be a “challenge”, with whom he did not want to fall into caricature, and a great love story. It is “a mystery and that is what fascinates.” For Brühl, the series of Disney+ discovers a man about whom conflicting versions of his personality multiply; with a love-hate relationship with Yves Saint-Laurent.

Sometimes false stories that he fed throughout his life. «It also happened to me at the beginning of my career. There are people who paint their own lives in more intense and exotic colors, when reality is a little gray and boring. “I find that very endearing,” says the actor.

Lagerfeld lives a life in the spotlight, but at the same time very lonely, with a great love story with Jacques de Bascher—“fundamental in this series and with which I am very happy because we have achieved a moment of great truth”—, which shows a character “more fragile, more vulnerable, more human” and with the need to be loved.

«It is a mystery and that fascinates. There are so many contradictions about his life, so many contrasts; “That is always a gift for an actor,” he admits, to which he has incorporated the gait of a bullfighter, which he rehearsed at the home of a friend of the designer. «Small steps, something cool; like a bullfighter, very masculine and at the same time with a lot of grace and elegance and even with a feminine touch,” and points out that he wore the heels, Lagerfeld’s footwear, from the beginning to the end of the shoot.

In the series, Brühl (Barcelona, ​​1978) has shown off his language skills by speaking German, English, French and Italian. «For me it was essential to interpret it in French, if they had told me that the main language was going to be English or German I would have said no. Paris represents the culture he loved, it was his home. He almost felt more in French than in German », explains the actor.

He assures that he has always been interested in the world of fashion, but reveals with some shyness, “if you saw me on the first red carpets… Then I would have needed someone like Lagerfeld.”

Nominated for the Golden Globes for Rush now three Goyas, she remembers that she met him at a photo session 20 years ago. «She was very kind; funny, but distant », comments the actor, who has moved his residence to Mallorca, after living two decades in Germany. «It’s like a puzzle, not with a thousand pieces, with ten thousand and that’s what excites me, excites me. He had a point of arrogance, he was blunt; educated, very intelligent, very cultured,” comments the protagonist of Good bye, Lenin.

The actor warns that fashion is something “very serious, a very hard job that requires discipline and a lot of effort”, a sector in which there is a lot of pressure.

«When they offered me the character I went into shock», but the fact that Lagerfeld’s first stage as a designer was recounted «caught me», he says.

“I wanted to discover who he was before he was famous,” a process that has required a long and complex preparation, with a lot of reading of articles and biographies and conversations with some of the designer’s friends.

He claims that he has not found anyone who spoke ill of him, although he had dark aspects in his life.

Damn bastardsby Quentin Tarantino or last springalongside Judi Dench and Maggie Smith, as well as The Pelayos either Eve either Captain America: Civil War have been some of the works of Daniel Brühl. «In the end it doesn’t matter so much if it is a big or small project, if there is a will to do something good. If there is passion, it doesn’t matter. I, more and more, look for a challenge, as I get older I want to do things that I haven’t done before,” he says.

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