Caracol Televisión actress had to play dead on stage due to an act of violence – Publimetro Colombia

Caracol Televisión actress had to play dead on stage due to an act of violence – Publimetro Colombia
Caracol Televisión actress had to play dead on stage due to an act of violence – Publimetro Colombia

Snail Television It is one of the national channels preferred by Colombians, as it has a long history of being part of the small screen, from formats such as Noticias Caracol, emblematic ‘realities’ and new soap operas that seek to give it a new air and of course, engage to viewers. One of the most recent is ‘Devuélveme la vida’, set in the 60s and recently an actress from Caracol experienced a tense situation and had to play dead during recordings

What happened to the Caracol Televisión actress during the recordings of ‘Devuélveme la vida’?

Ana Harlen, actress of Caracol Televisión’s ‘Devuélveme la vida’, was part of the program ‘Bravissímo’ where she revealed the tense moment she experienced in one of, perhaps, the most complex scenes she has ever done. This occurred with her character of Virgelina and with her set colleague, who without any intention and in order for the scenes to be as real as possible ended up leaving the actress paralyzed.

And in another section of the program, Harlen confessed that he was a victim of violence by one of his ex-partners and now during the Caracol Televisión soap opera he had to embody scenes of this type: “When I did that scene I wanted to say, here I go, I don’t want anything else (…) It touched me a lot, I thought I had already overcome, like, that whole process through which I had gone through a hard time in my life (…)

(…) Above all, there must be reality and we got into the story and that’s it we started, the first ones we said, he lacks strength as well as more dedication (…) More pressure on the neck and when he really got into the character (…) When I feel like my throat is already closing and I said that’s it. No one decided to cut it. At one point I thought about asking for help, but my voice couldn’t come out and I said how do I ask for help. We missed having a code when we were already passing. When I started to hit him in the face, he thought ‘Anita is in character.’

(…) It was that I started not seeing anything, the lights went out (…) When I started to feel tingling in my body, in my hands, I said no, this is going to take a while (…) Oh, For God’s sake, play dead and I played dead, it was the only way he let me go. For that moment it was quite strong because he transported me to that moment as if I did not want to relive it.”

It should be noted that the actress assured that in addition to being colleagues with the man, they also built a friendship, however, there was no sign for the level of the acts, he subsequently left the set, took the time to cry and return to the recordings.

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