How to install the developer beta of iOS 18, iPadOS 18 or WatchOS 11

Let’s explain to you how to install the developer beta of the new iOS 18, the new version of the mobile operating system presented today by Apple. These steps will also be useful for the betas of the rest of the new versions of the company’s operating systems, such as iPadOS 18 or even WatchOS 11. These betas will be available in the next few hoursbut we already told you how you can install them.

But before we start, I remind you that It is not recommended that you install the developer betas on your everyday devices. These have been created as a basis for developers to adapt their apps in time for the launch of iOS 18, and not for day-to-day use.

In these first betas, iOS will work poorly. The operating system will be slow and unstable, and you are going to find large amounts of errors and bugs. These are the first tests with the system, and from them we will begin to polish it over the coming months so that it is ready for the official launch in September.

And if you want to test features before others, It is best to wait for the public betas. These are beta versions that no longer have critical bugs and have been polished quite a bit. They will no longer require such a complex process to install, and it will be a little safer to use them.

What you need to install the developer beta

To install the developer betas for iOS and other Apple operating systems, you will need to have a developer profile. This means that you will need to have registered in the Apple developer portal, something you can do through the website. Once you register, you can download your profile to install it.

And what happens if you don’t have a developer profile? In this case, for the most curious there are third-party pages that offer you developer profiles. The most popular is, and all you need to do is click on the operating system for which you want to download a profile, and you will download a fake one. This method is always open to problems and errors, but it is a part or alternative.

But as we have told you, these versions are not recommended for use on your daily mobile phone. Betas for normal users will arrive in a few weeksusually in July, and these are already more stable and can be downloaded without extra profiles much more easily.

Install the beta of iOS, iPadOS or WatchOS


To install the betas of the new operating system, you must first get your developer profile with one of the two methods that we have told you. Once you have it, you download it on iOS, and open it as if it were a file through the application Files. When you do, the system will ask you if you want to install it on the iPhone or Apple Watch, since to install the watchOS betas you will have to do it through the linked iPhone.

Downloaded Profile
Downloaded Profile

When you have installed the profile, enter the Settings of the device where you have installed it. In the settings, click on the option Profile downloaded and choose the option Install that will appear inside to finish completing the installation. The installation process is easy, and they will begin by asking you for the mobile security password to confirm that you are the owner.


After installing the profile, your device will be ready and all you have to do is restart it. When it starts again, all you have left is check for new software updates, and the developer beta will appear like any other iOS update. You will look for updates in the option Software updatewithin the category General of the device settings.

watchOS 11 adds almost everything that the Apple Watch was missing to be an excellent watch for athletes

In this guide we have shown you the screenshots of an iPhone, but The steps are exactly the same on an Apple Watch or iPad. The only thing that changes is that the profile for the Apple Watch will have to be downloaded to the iPhone it is paired with, but everything else is the same.

In Xataka Basics | iOS 18, all the news: an unmistakable aroma of Android in the most customizable system the iPhone has ever seen

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