Santiago Cúneo accused Javier Milei of being part of a pedophile network – News

Santiago Cúneo accused Javier Milei of being part of a pedophile network – News
Santiago Cúneo accused Javier Milei of being part of a pedophile network – News

Also, the President’s background and relationships with child abuse.

A dark week is predicted in Argentina with a complaint to the Head of State, Javier Milei. Journalist Santiago Cúneo said that the libertarian is part of a pedophile network along with Ernesto Tenembaum and Héctor “el Bambino” Veira.

Cúneo has a streaming program on channel 22 and, in each episode, he exposes the worst secrets – and the best kept – of President Milei. What is striking is that the leader of The Forces of Heaven never came out to replicate it.

Cúneo alleges that Milei never answers him because the journalist has high-caliber information that could harm him. Is his membership in a pedophile network what the President so wants to hide?

Until now, the answer to that question is a real mystery. However, Cúneo seems to be very sure of what he says, which is that he met Milei at the beginning of his career as a commentator and panelist, functions that he fulfilled in the program 1+1= 4, hosted by Santiago Cúneo almost a decade ago.

After that television program, the journalist and the now president shared talks, dinners and even moments of intimacy where Milei would have confessed his worst secrets and feelings. That is why Cúneo knows a lot and little by little, with the situation of the economic and social crisis, the journalist’s plan is to overthrow him with shelving.

In his last program, Cúneo expressed while drinking mate and eating cookies: “The psychiatric madman does not rule for a single day, the psychiatric madman did not work a single day,” he began and continued: “The psychiatric madman dedicates himself to his delirious messianism in a sect of pedophiles that is part of and linked to Tenembaum and the Bambino. It is no coincidence that they belong to a sect of pedophiles,” he said, leaving a halo of tense calm around him.

Bombita. Tenembaum had questioned: “What’s wrong with child pornography? (…) I ask because pornography is a fantasy… perhaps horrible but the guy doesn’t commit any crime, he doesn’t hurt anyone (…) I repeat that it seems like a horrible fantasy to me but I don’t see the crime. Whoever comments on it is the one who takes the photo… but oh well.”

Cúneo continued: “This shows the level of seriousness we are in. He crossed the first line, the thinnest, and on Monday we will see each other in court.” He said this after having heard the President say that he “loves being the mole that destroys the State from within.”

Furthermore, Cúneo expressed: “In this context and approaching the abyss of a precipice that will be very difficult to overcome and from whose blows you will not get up because they have already given you too much time and in that time, the damage for some will be irreversible”.

Very faithful to his irreverent style, the journalist argued: “Lying is a sin, many of you do not survive what is coming and many of you deserve it for having voted for it, for not having a homeland and many others must be rescued from the downward spiral of the sinking because they don’t deserve it and they are victims.

Santiago Cúneo did not threaten the President, he informed him that on Monday, June 10, he would take the complaint of pedophilia to the Courts and provide evidence that would be studied to find out whether Milei is part of this network of child abuse or not.

The lawsuit fell into the hands of the Daniel Rafecas court and will be carried out by lawyer Adrián Albor; There it is specified: “At the time of ratifying this I will refer to certain behaviors of the accused that cannot be less than classified as a true mental illness related to the pleasure of seeing others suffer.”

The complaint, which is classified as “abuse of authority and violation of the duties of a public official”, also states: “I mean that I have a way to demonstrate that he leans towards the sadomasochistic fetish in sexual matters, which is projected to the rest of their social interactions, and now we see that also to the exercise of public function.

History of pedophilia

Although there is still nothing proven, Javier Milei expressed very easily that: “The State is the pedophile in the kindergarten with the children chained and bathed in Vaseline.”

In addition, the President is trying to convert to Judaism through Orthodox Hasidic sects, the same ones that were involved in an unprecedented scandal when a tunnel was found dug under a historic synagogue, which also functions as the world headquarters of Chabad-Lubavitch.

It was at number 770 Eastern Parkway Avenue, where Menachem Mendel Schneerson, leader of the Jewish movement of that branch, lived and the tomb that Milei visited on his first trip abroad with the presidential inauguration.

In New York there were forced disappearances of children and many link this situation with the tunnels dug in that synagogue. However, when the police entered that tunnel they did not find any children but some evidence, an abandoned baby stroller but what also attracted attention was what began to circulate: “A bloody children’s mattress was found, which was possibly being used for satanic rituals children’s”.

It should be noted that the members of the synagogue who were arrested have several causes such as “attempted criminal act, attempted reckless endangerment, attempted hate crime, obstruction of government administration, criminal act and reckless endangerment” but none of them have causes for pedophilia, or at least they have not been published in the media.

The relationship between Javier Milei and alleged cases of association with pedophile groups that Santiago Cúneo reported have not yet been proven and it will be a long road to finding the truth of the matter.

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