Frontal system leaves 125 families affected in Quillón – La Discusión

Frontal system leaves 125 families affected in Quillón – La Discusión
Frontal system leaves 125 families affected in Quillón – La Discusión

A brief truce has given the frontal system that affects Quillón and, in general, communes from Coquimbo to the Biobío Region.

One of the most complex episodes has occurred in Alto Culturía, where a house is in danger of completely falling into the Coyanco estuary, as a result of the erosion suffered by the land on which it is located, as a result of the overflowing of said watercourse. Likewise, 15 families in the sector were isolated (19 in total in Quillón), due to the fall of the bridge that connects them to the N48 route. Municipal personnel are working at the site to remove the house and prevent its collapse into the estuary from endangering the families living downstream.

Early yesterday, Mayor Miguel Peña convened the Communal Disaster Risk Management Committee (Cogrid) to have a report on what was experienced during the early hours of the morning and coordinate the work in the territory. The session was attended by the Government Seremi, Valentina Pradenas, who is also the liaison authority with the Presidential Delegation of Ñuble. During the day, the governor of Ñuble, Óscar Crisóstomo, also joined the field visits, making resources available to go to the aid of the affected families.

“We have had a lot of movement throughout the territory, meeting the requirements of our neighbors. The frontal system has affected us hard, causing varied and varying damage. Thank God there have been no events to regret regarding the integrity of our neighbors, rather there have been material losses. We are coordinating with our social and Disaster Risk Management teams to request the relevant aid from the Presidential Delegation. Our regional governor was also in Quillón accompanying us and ready to collaborate with our community. During the remainder of the day and night, we will remain attentive to respond to the calls of our neighbors,” said Mayor Miguel Peña.

Citizen Security, Disaster Risk Management, Municipal Works, Dideco, Secplan and Machinery teams have remained in the territory, which has already been declared a Catastrophe Affected Zone by the Government, attending to emergencies arising from the frontal system.

More than 100 millimeters of water have fallen in recent days and the winds have remained intense, but downward.

So far, 125 affected families have been registered, as a result of the frontal system. Among the main problems addressed are connectivity, due to bridge falls and flooded roads; In addition, leaks from roofs, walls and windows, and flooding of homes.

Professionals from the Community Development Directorate have attended to the requests of those affected, who have presented problems of varying degrees, mostly leaks in roofs, walls and windows.

Likewise, sinkholes, landslides and overflows have been recorded in Quillón in the Coyanco estuary, from Alto Culturía to Palermo, Queime estuary, in the Vegas de Sauzal sector, Quillón estuary, Las Palmas, and the Quillón canal, at Km. 2.5 from Chillancito.

The deployment of municipal personnel has been continuous, to provide immediate attention in cases of flooding, work with machinery to clear roads and canals and delivery of bags for river containment. This work will continue during the following days and nights.

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