The Civic Plaza at the Government Headquarters was filled with Living Culture

The Cultura Viva program belonging to the Ministry of Culture of Santa Fe landed on Saturday, June 15 at the Civic Plaza of the Government Headquarters in Rosario. Under the slogan “Doing and Knowing”, the program carried out by the Secretariat of Cultural Management, together with the Undersecretariats of Artistic Education and Identity and Territory, showed different aspects of the work that different artistic and educational institutions have been carrying out, which They work in the orbit of the Santa Fe cultural portfolio.

Cultura Viva carries as its flag the possibility of multiplying interpretations, expanding knowledge, knowing and reflecting on the heritage of Museums and their link with artistic professions. For just over four hours there were musical presentations, dances, a tour of the “Ángel Gallardo” Museum of Natural Sciences, video screenings, theater, exhibitions, silk-screen and pin workshops, as well as exhibitions and book sales.

It was a Saturday afternoon full of meetings, songs and dances where the cultural, the collective and the everyday were intertwined in a natural way. “We are very happy because there are many students present who go to the artistic schools in the province of Santa Fe and from the Ministry of Culture we are promoting the artistic schools to go out and show their art in public spaces,” said the Minister of Culture. Culture Susana Rueda, and added: “The Plaza Cívica is an emblematic place for the government of Santa Fe and that many young people can show their artistic expressions in this space has a very relevant symbolic charge because the place was empty for a long time and to return to fill it with art and people enjoying it, is one of the objectives we seek.”

For his part, the Secretary of Cultural Management Sebastián Cáceres stated: “Today is the first time that we develop the program in Rosario and what we want is to exchange audiences between museums and art schools. That is why we seek to give a space to artistic expressions and offer citizens cultural proposals to occupy public spaces and be part of the enjoyment and encounter.”

Martín Illia, in charge of the Undersecretariat of Artistic Education, indicated that “the Cultura Viva program has a very clear cardinality but it is also a learning process. At a critical moment for public education and culture, the intention of this program is to highlight cultural heritage and artistic manifestation in an emblematic public space to generate instances that allow emblematic sites such as this Civic Plaza to be inhabited to produce acts of memory. , reflection and democratic meetings that strengthen community ties.”

Luciano Rey, Undersecretary of Identity and Territory, expressed himself in the same vein: “Inhabiting public space like the Plaza Cívica is fundamental and this time we do it from the cultural heritage that the Gallardo Museum has, intersecting it with the languages ​​that the schools of artistic education”.

The Living Culture program seeks to plant a common territory where the Santa Fe culture, pedagogy and artistic facts can be breathed and experienced. In the edition held on Saturday the 15th in Rosario, the following institutions participated: Gallardo Museum, Provincial School of Music 5030, Higher Institute of Music Teachers 5932 “Carlos Guastavino”, Provincial School of Theater and Puppetry 5029
-Ambrosio Morante Provincial Theater School, “Isabel Taboga” Provincial Higher Dance Institute, “General Manuel Belgrano” Provincial School of Visual Arts No. 3031, Rosario “Leonardo Favio” Provincial School of Film and Television, “Leonardo Favio” Provincial Dance School Nigelia Soria”, and the Extension and territory area of ​​the National University of Rosario.

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