Searching mother Ceci Flores found alive in shelter in Querétaro

Searching mother Ceci Flores found alive in shelter in Querétaro
Searching mother Ceci Flores found alive in shelter in Querétaro

Ceci Flores, searching mother from Sonora went to Mexico City and later went to Querétaro (Photo: Special)

After the non-location of the search mother was reported Ceci Floressources close to the case confirmed to Infobae México that said woman was found alive in Querétaro. This happened after agents entered Flores’ home and the presence of paramedics in the area was recorded.

Personnel from the Search Commission for people and authorities from Querétaro arrived at the Álamos colony during Monday, June 17. The first reports indicate that the woman is fine although the woman was found in the property semi conscious and because of this, your health status must be evaluated by doctors.

More than 20 hours passed without knowing the location of Ceci Flores, preliminary information indicates that said woman was found with signs of dehydration and that it did not have any marks of violence. Local media reported that the search mother got into the ambulance on her own feet to be checked by doctors.

The woman was treated by paramedics on site (Photo: X/@JornadaEdomex)
The woman was treated by paramedics on site (Photo: X/@JornadaEdomex)

The operational coordinator of Civil Protection of the entity, Jesus Becerrahighlighted in a meeting with the media that the woman was found in a room with a metabolic decompensation due to prolonged fasting, as well as mild dehydration.

“Everything was fine, without any sign of any other alteration,” declared Becerra, who also said that the reasons why Ceci Flores did not contact her relatives are not known.

Although she was medically evaluated at the scene, she will be taken to a hospital for an second revision medical. For its part, the National Search Commission published on its social networks confirmation that the woman was found around 7:30 p.m. on Monday, noting that she had a “delicate” medical condition.

Ceci Flores was found with signs of dehydration (Photo: Ceci Flores)
Ceci Flores was found with signs of dehydration (Photo: Ceci Flores)

“Cecilia Flores has been located alive around 7:30 pm. @SEGOB_mx personnel entered her home, where she found her with a delicate medical conditionis being treated by Red Cross personnel and will be transferred to a hospital to stabilize her symptoms,” she wrote on her X account.

Likewise, the Sonora Person Search Commission also reported on the location of the search mother, “ruling out that she was a victim of any situation of violence that put her life at risk.”

According to said organization, the reason why he could not contact his relatives is that his cell phone was turned offwithout adding more details.

“I, daughter of Ceci Flores, authorize the opening of the locks of the house where my mother lives” Credit: X/@VlzMilagros

It should be remembered that it was Milagros Flores, daughter of Ceci Flores, who asked the authorities to enter the shelter. It was during Monday afternoon that Milagros recorded a video in which she gave her consent so that the agents broke into the property.

“I, daughter of Ceci Flores, authorize the locks of the house where my mother lives to be opened so that they can enter and check if she is inside,” was part of Milagros’ message in which she also asked for the support of the President Andrés Manuel López Obrador and Claudia Sheinbaum.

While the activist Adrian LeBaron He questioned on his social networks what the authorities were waiting for to enter the home: “It is time that the authorities do not enter the home in Querétaro of @CeciPatriciaF, they are waiting for the @FGRMexico to arrive, what if they are spending crucial seconds? Please, enter the home now.”

Shortly before 9:00 p.m., Ceci Flores’ X account thanked the National Search Commission: “Thank you for not leaving us alone.”

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