Conexión Fraternal surprises at the Nintendo Direct with a date confirmed in its announcement trailer for Nintendo Switch

Mario & Luigi return to our consoles after nine years without knowing anything about the plumbers’ RPG. And with a release date!

we were wearing nine years without knowing anything about RPGs from our favorite plumber brothers. After the remake of Bowser’s Journey to the Center we have not seen anything more of them. but it comes Mario and Luigi: Brotherly Connectionwhich in English is called Mario&Luigi: Brothership.

We have been able to see a good part of the gamewhere we see many options that seem cooperative, so it is hoped that we can use a Joy-Con each player to take advantage of the star mechanics of Nintendo’s hybrid console.

Mario and Luigi: Brotherly Connection release date

He November 7th of this same year, 2024we will have the brothers game. 142 days separate us from the next RPG of the plumber brothers.

Everything seen in the trailer for Mario and Luigi: Brotherly Connection

  • The brothers will fight together, as always.
  • It seems that they are transported to another world.
  • View and world in 3D in the style of Mario 3D World.
  • They maintain the combos of attacks.
  • It seems that it will be inspired by rocks and minerals or at least, some area.
  • By mechanical and puzzles shown, it is very likely to have cooperative.
    • To the style of Mario Odyssey and the Mario 3D World.
  • New villains but they will return Characters like Peach, Bowser and Bowsy.

This paints great game and it was only the first announcement of the Nintendo Direct. Are you planning to buy it?

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