a cyclist was killed by a truck

a cyclist was killed by a truck
a cyclist was killed by a truck

“When arriving at the scene, the person was already with health personnel, who confirmed the death. He had been run over by a white Toyota Hilux truck belonging to a man who works on a farm,” Maximiliano San Martín, head of the Añelo Volunteer Fire Station, told LMNeuquén.

He said it is unknown if the fatal victim was a native of the town. “The identity of the deceased has not yet been confirmed, I estimate that he was a person of about 40 years old. It is not known if he is from the area,” the firefighter added.

The driver of the truck was taken to the local hospital, while traffic was interrupted during the first hours after the road accident.

Staff from the Tenth Police Station, Tránsito Añelo, Volunteer Firefighters and local Civil Defense were working on the asphalt strip early this Wednesday.

They remained at the scene to guard the place and waited for Criminalistics personnel to remove the body from the road.

Another tragic death on the road

On Tuesday, another fatality was recorded as a result of a road accident. It was about the Route 40 as a result of a collision between a car and a truck. In the fatal accident, Manuel Esparza, 52, who was driving a Fiat Siena that was traveling from Zapala to Las Lajas, lost his life. For reasons that are being established, the road accident occurred around 9 in the morning on Route 40, near the Corral de Piedra area. There was a head-on collision with a Chevrolet S-10 truck.

Meanwhile, the driver of the truck is a 39-year-old young man residing in Las Lajas. He was accompanied by two adults. Everyone was unharmed.

The identity of the deceased was confirmed to LMNeuquén by the victim’s brother, the mayor of Bajada del Agrio, Ricardo Esparza.

My best brother left me. He had all the qualities of a good man“, expressed the mayor of Bajada del Agrio, broken by pain and anguish. He described him to his brother as an excellent athlete in what he loved most, which was taekwondo. An activity that made him widely known and recognized in the region.

Ricardo said that his brother “had three children, a granddaughter and a boy that he had adopted.” The municipal leader also shared his pain and his brother Manuel’s memory of him on social networks where he showed photos and wrote heartfelt messages such as: “All my life I wanted to be like you” and “I will love you all my life”.

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