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Find out the weather today in Seville

Find out the weather today in Seville
Find out the weather today in Seville

Temperature, probability of rain, cloudiness and ultraviolet rays are some of the data you should know before leaving home. (Infobae/Jovani Pérez)

Spring, summer, autumn or winter, these days it doesn’t matter what season of the year it is, given the recent climate change that makes an afternoon of scorching sun turn into a storm in the blink of an eye.

Searching for the climate It has become a habit among many people to know what clothes to wear, what shoes to choose, plan a trip or decide whether or not to carry an umbrella. Below we present the weather in Seville for this Thursday, June 20.

In Seville it is expected a maximum temperature of 28 degrees Celsius and a minimum of 15 degrees Celsius.

As for the rain, the probability of precipitation for this city will be 1% during the day and 1% at night.

In the same sense, cloudiness will be 31% during the day and 0% during the night. While the gusts of wind They will reach 41 kilometers per hour during the day and 46 kilometers per hour at night.

Be careful in the sun, ultraviolet rays are expected to reach a level of up to 10.

The weather forecast in Seville (Illustrative image Infobae)
The weather forecast in Seville (Illustrative image Infobae)

Seville It is a Spanish city that borders the provinces of Málaga, Cádiz, Huelva, Badajoz and Córdoba, which is characterized by having a Mediterranean climate, that is, with dry and hot summers and very mild and often rainy winters.

According to the Köpen climate classification, in Seville there is a average temperature of 19.2 degrees Celsius, making it the area with the highest average annual temperature in continental Europe.

The month of July is characterized by being the hotter, where the thermometer usually rises to 40 degrees Celsius. On the other hand, in the coldest season the average temperature is 11 degrees.

The precipitation They are concentrated in the months of October to April, with December being the rainiest month. During the year there is an average of 51 days of rain and only three of frost, so snow is an extremely rare phenomenon in the city, the last time being on January 10, 2010, when a light layer fell.

According to the Weather Spark portal, the best time to visit Seville and do outdoor activities is from the end of March to the end of June; as well as from mid-September to the end of October.

Finally, the extreme temperatures recorded at the meteorological station at Seville Airport are -5.5 °C, on February 12, 1956; as well as 46.6 °C, on July 23, 1995, which was about to be displaced by another in 2022 during the great heat wave.

Seville has a characteristic Mediterranean climate. (Reuters)
Seville has a characteristic Mediterranean climate. (Reuters)

Spain is characterized by being sunny, where the hours of sunshine are around 3 thousand hours a year. The temperatures in this Mediterranean country are mildHowever, there are marked differences between seasons and different areas.

Although Amet registers up to 13 types of climates in SpainThey are really four that predominate: oceanic, Mediterranean of cool summers, continental mediterranean and cold steppe.

The oceanic is characterized by being temperate with cool summers, abundant rainfall and well distributed throughout the year.

In Spain it appears mainly in the north and west of Galicia, the Cantabrian Sea, the Iberian System, northeast of the northern plateau and a large part of the Pyrenees, except for the highest areas.

The Mediterranean with cool summers, as its name suggests, has dry and cool summersas well as cold or mild winterswhile most of the rains fall in winter or intermediate stations.

This climate covers most of the northern plateau, interior of Galicia and numerous mountainous areas in the center and south of the peninsula. In the Canary Islands, it extends widely throughout the interior of the islands of La Palma, El Hierro, La Gomera and Tenerife, as well as in the highest areas of Gran Canaria.

The continental Mediterranean registers mild and rainy wintersas well as dry and hot summers.

This type of climate is present in much of the Iberian Peninsula and the Balearic Islands. It extends across most of the southern half and the Mediterranean coastal regions, except for the arid areas of the southeast.

As for the cold steppe, the winters are very cold and the summers can be mild or hotFurthermore, the rainfall is scarce.

This climate extends across the southeast of the peninsula, the Ebro valley, the southern plateau and, to a lesser extent, Extemadura, the Balearic Islands and the center of the northern plateau. They are also observed on all the islands of the Canary archipelago.

During spring and autumn is when the most pleasant climate in Spainweather conditions that allow you to enjoy the outdoors practically all day.

The Maximum temperatures are reached during July and Augustthe hottest and driest months in the entire country.

While The minimum temperatures usually occur in January and Februarymonths that also coincide with the rainiest daysmainly in the north of Spain.

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