Xóchitl on cabinet – El Financiero

Xóchitl on cabinet – El Financiero
Xóchitl on cabinet – El Financiero

The virtual president of Mexico, Claudia Sheinbaum, made the first appointments of the Government Cabinet this Thursday. The selected people have been seen as repeated profiles, because they have already held positions before.

Not all people ‘welcomed’ the news of the new heads of the Government Secretariats for the period 2024-2030. The former presidential candidate, Xóchitl Gálvez Ruiz, criticized the decisions announced this Thursday.

The PAN opposition member pointed out that Claudia Sheinbaum “continues without making decisions“He only executes what the current president dictates.”

He maintained that “of the seven appointments that we know of so far from the Government Cabinet, four were part of López Obrador’s cabinet. This country is not going to walk differently. Still, good luck to Claudia Sheinbaum,” he said.

Xóchitl Gálvez thus referred to the four current officials of the AMLO Government who will have new positions with Sheinbaum, these are: Rogelio Ramírez de la O, which will remain in the Ministry of Finance and Public Credit; Marcelo Ebrard, who was chancellor and will now be head of the Ministry of Economy; the current chancellor Alicia Barcena, who was announced to lead the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources (Semarnat); and Juan Ramon de la Fuentewho was Mexico’s representative to the UN and will now hold the position in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (SRE).

Just last June 12, after the presidential elections, Gálvez called on citizens to support Claudia Sheinbaum in this new position as virtual president and considered that no one should bet on her failure, because if her Government does well, Mexico also.

Also on June 14, -PRI-PRD having reached the candidacy for decision of a group of men. The Electoral Court determined that, with these statements, the president reinforced “the stereotype of inferiority or dependence to access public positions” and that with this it was unknown that women are autonomous in their decisions.

What do specialists and politicians say about Sheinbaum’s Cabinet?

The first appointments of Sheinbaum’s Cabinet “are a good sign, they give a good impression, with expert, knowledgeable people with an accredited professional career,” said Luis Carlos Ugalde, political scientist Luis Carlos Ugalde, former president of the IFE.

“It is, to begin with, good news, because it indicates that there would be a government of professionals and experts, very similar to Dr. Sheinbaum’s profile,” he stated.

“When government decisions are made based on scientific evidence, it helps to have better results and radicalism is avoided,” he highlighted, in an interview with EL FINANCIERO…

However, he anticipated that “without a doubt other appointments are also expected that will answer more political and ideological questions.”

On the other hand, despite his harsh criticism of Morena and the government of President López Obrador, PAN member Javier Lozano stated that “it seems to me that Claudia Sheinbaum is betting on experiencethe preparation, the seriousness and the maturity in forming his cabinet” and said that he wished the appointed people success.

The national leader of the PRD, Jesús Zambrano, said that “Claudia Sheinbaum’s cabinet arises from illegitimacy, a state election.

He also criticized that “his academic credentials are overshadowed by his submission to authoritarianism. This is insignificant compared to the ‘coup d’état’ that is intended to be imposed with the Judicial Reform,” he warned.

Verónica Juárez, former coordinator of the PRD in the Chamber of Deputies and losing candidate of her party for the Senate of the Republic, said that “the announcement by the Government Cabinet is a clear example that corruption is rewarded in Mexico.”

“Just look at the former CDMX prosecutor, Ernestina Godoy, appointed there with a position, as legal advisor to the Presidency of the Republic. “Mexico does not deserve these types of characters at the head of the country,” she criticized.

With information from Víctor Chávez.

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