President Javier Milei held a meeting with the Chancellor of Germany, Olaf Scholz, in Berlin

The Argentine President held a working meeting today at noon with the Chancellor of Germany, Olaf Schoz where they addressed the main aspects of a key bilateral relationship to enhance Argentina’s new growth cycle.

In addition, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Diana Mondino, the Secretary General of the Presidency, Karina Milei, the President of the RREE Commission of the HCD, Deputy Fernando Iglesias, and the Argentine Ambassador in Berlin, Fernando Brun, participated in the meeting.

Prior to the meeting in Berlin, the President and the German Federal Chancellor shared the Summit for Peace in Ukraine in Switzerland, and the G7 Summit in Italy.

In today’s conversation they stressed the importance of the convergence of clear positions of both countries condemning the Russian invasion and that it is Russia that has in its hands the possibility of ending the war of aggression against Ukraine.

Based on a convergence of visions in international politics and economics, both leaders addressed an agenda that covered global energy security, the importance of having critical minerals, defense of democracy, sustained and clear support for Ukraine and Israel, global governance, investments, knowledge economy and AI, accession to the OECD, economic deregulation and EU-Mercosur agreement; as well as the perspectives of our country in terms of investment development based on RIGI as a framework of legal stability.

President Milei shared with his German counterpart the reform projects underway in Argentina with a focus on generating short-term stability and long-term growth.

In turn, the Argentine President highlighted the enormous support of society for his policies and the effort that this implies for broad sectors.

Milei and Scholz addressed the status of the free trade agreement between the European Union and MERCOSUR, highlighting its geopolitical and commercial importance based on a shared vision of values ​​and agreed on the importance of the negotiations on the agreement being concluded quickly. . The process of Argentina’s accession to the OECD was also discussed; where Chancellor Scholz clearly confirmed the support of the German Government to accelerate the Argentine accession process.

Scholz especially highlighted the clear position that Argentina has maintained since the beginning of the Milei government in the face of the Russian invasion of Ukraine and the Middle East, highlighting the convergence of foreign policy visions of both governments.

The leaders addressed the situation in Venezuela and concerns about the irregular and fraud-ridden development of the upcoming elections.

President Javier Milei visited the Monument to the Murdered Jews of Europe, in Berlin.
President Javier Milei visited the Monument to the Murdered Jews of Europe, in Berlin.

Prior to his appointment with Scholz, Milei took a moment in his schedule to tour the Monument to the Memory of the Murdered Jews in Europemaking clear during his time in the German capital his commitment to the memory of the Holocaust.

The meeting between President Milei and Chancellor Scholz together with their teams showed two leaders with a convergent vision, with the same principles and values ​​in matters of international politics and focused on resolving key geopolitical challenges for the West. The result was a good meeting, important for Argentina’s long-term growth strategy.

Germany is one of the most relevant economic partners for Argentina with an annual stock of investments in the order of U$D 4,250 (2023). Germany and Argentina are linked by relationships that today present the opportunity to scale through insertion into new value chains in critical minerals, industry, energy, knowledge economy and strategic infrastructure.

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