Adelante Áncash Case: 10 homes linked to Congressman Darwin Espinoza are raided for improper use of state property

Adelante Áncash Case: 10 homes linked to Congressman Darwin Espinoza are raided for improper use of state property
Adelante Áncash Case: 10 homes linked to Congressman Darwin Espinoza are raided for improper use of state property

Prosecutor’s Office raids Darwin Espinoza’s properties | Prosecutor’s Office

The Public Ministry carries out raids and break-ins to seize computer equipment, documents and others in 10 properties linked to the congressman. Darwin Espinoza Vargas. This is due to the case of the creation of what would be his political group Go ahead Ancash.

The operation, carried out by the Illicit Enrichment and Constitutional Complaints Area, was carried out simultaneously in six properties in Chimbote and four in Lima and Callao. Likewise, the investigation is under the alleged crimes of embezzlement of use and concussion for improper use of State property.

Espinoza would have used workers from his office to travel to the region and complete the registration of the regional movement. The fiscal hypothesis indicates that his brother Renato Espinoza.

Prosecutor’s Office raids 10 homes of Darwin Espinoza for alleged crime of embezzlement and concussion | National Prosecutor’s Office

So far, it has not been confirmed whether the legislator is participating in the proceedings.

The Public Ministry carries out these procedures to collect all possible documents after the complaint of Final point. The aforementioned media revealed that Espinoza’s workers were outside their offices to travel to Áncash with their own resources and to collect signatures with the purpose of benefiting the regional movement.

In addition, they had to assume the materials that were going to be given to citizens in exchange for a signature. Each person in charge was transported in a minivan to obtain autographs and offered balls, among other things.

Added to this is that in January, the Espinoza office requested 10 thousand bond sheets to the Supply Office, which would have been used to print membership cards for their political group. This material appears on the premises of your parliamentary office and is printed as if it were part of the activities.

Former employees of the parliamentarian reported that the facilities were also being used to store tables used in the process of collecting signatures, necessary to formalize the registration of the group. They claimed that they were commissioned to collect signatures in various locations in Áncash, under threat of losing their jobs if they refused to participate.

However, their work did not end there, because the identity of each signatory would have to be corroborated in the National Registry of Identification and Civil Status (Reniec).

Adelante Áncash: Prosecutor's Office raids 10 homes of Congressman Darwin Espinoza for misuse of state property | Composition Infobae Peru
Adelante Áncash: Prosecutor’s Office raids 10 homes of Congressman Darwin Espinoza for misuse of state property | Composition Infobae Peru

Therefore, upon arriving in Lima they used their access to the Reniec system and verified the authenticity of the data. Precisely, high queries were detected from the parliamentarian’s account, which would confirm that the misuse was carried out for personal benefit.

That is to say, not only would he have used State resources, but also his staff to initiate these activities unrelated to his work.

The congressman denied being involved in this case and stated that his brother is the “promoter” of the regional movement. Likewise, he said he was unaware of the participation of his workers in these activities.

“It is curious, everything that has to do with some signs of something irregular is investigated and the truth of the facts is reached,” he said and stated that his workers had had days off by request, and it was during that period who would have come to the region.

This revelation caused Popular Action to expel him from its ranks, even though he was the spokesperson and part of the bench in Congress.

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