HONOR joined Toulouse Lautrec’s Hack Day to benefit wild animals rescued by the NGO OMA – Business Empresarial

HONOR joined Toulouse Lautrec’s Hack Day to benefit wild animals rescued by the NGO OMA – Business Empresarial
HONOR joined Toulouse Lautrec’s Hack Day to benefit wild animals rescued by the NGO OMA – Business Empresarial

Business Business.- Hack Day, an initiative carried out by Toulouse Lautrec and the specialty of Product Design and Technological Innovation, challenged its students to design and develop an original support for smartphones in 12 hours, using only cardboard and with a concept focused on conservation. HONOR, an iconic global technology brand, participated in this successful proposal with the aim of promoting creativity and seeking solutions to protect the environment and biodiversity, directly positively impacting the work of the NGO OMA – Wildlife.

The prototype, in addition to being practical, had to have a creative concept based on the story of one of the animals rescued by OMA. This allowed us to give identity to each of the proposals, which, in a second stage, will be manufactured for sale and the profits will go directly to this organization whose purpose is the preservation of wildlife, through its shelter “Margarita Zoo de Rescate.” ”, located in Piura.

After welcoming and explaining the challenge to the participating students, the planning and conceptualization of the idea began. With the sketches ready, details were entered into for the correct development of the prototype and, subsequently, the concept, design, sales projections and marketing plan were presented to the jury made up of César Ramirez, professor of the Product Design and Innovation degree. Technology of the Toulouse Lautrec Higher School; Dennis Uribe, director of image and institutional projects at OMA; Dany Pinto, head of planning and production control at Babilonia and Eid Hirsh, public relations director at HONOR Peru.

After a close deliberation, the group made up of Tsuneki Joaquín Mayeshiro Morita, Vanessa Sofía Del Castillo Flores, José Luis Cabanillas Irribarren and Mirella Christel Rengifo Montoya, which was inspired by the story of Oscar, a red howler monkey rescued in 2016, was the winner and each of its members received an HONOR Pad X9 tablet, with which they can continue developing their ideas and letting their creativity fly. They had

“At HONOR we seek to reaffirm the commitment we have with Peru, this time with support for organizations like OMA, which seek to preserve wildlife”said Eid Hirsh. “The creativity demonstrated by the students has been incredible. His talent and orientation to achieving the goal was seen from the first minute. At HONOR we support initiatives like this, which in addition to exploiting creativity, support the environment”he added.

“We want to express our gratitude to HONOR for trusting in the creativity and talent of our students in the Product Design and Technological Innovation program at the Toulouse Lautrec Higher School. This collaboration not only validates the hard work and dedication of our students, but also highlights the importance of supporting new generations. “We are excited by the opportunities that this alliance provides and we trust that together we will develop innovative projects that will make a difference in the market” assured Gianella Marrou, digital coordinator teacher at the Toulouse Lautrec Higher School.

To learn more about the initiatives aimed at the creativity of Toulouse Lautrec and sustainable development of HONOR, visit https://www.toulouselautrec.edu.pe and https://www.honor.com/pe/honor-esg/. To support the work of OMA, go to https://oma.org.pe/.

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