Review of Noreya: The Gold Project

The plot of Noreya: The Gold Project revolves around Kali, a heroine marked by adversity and loss due to the malice of a god. Her journey takes her to the City of Gold, where she will confront the God of Greed, known as the “God of Gold.” However, her destiny becomes intertwined with the Goddess of Light, who calls her to purify the lands of Lemia, once corrupted by the aforementioned greedy god. This internal and external conflict places the player at a constant moral crossroads: follow the path of light to purify or allow yourself to be tempted by the power of gold and revenge.

The duality between Light and Gold is reflected not only in the story, but also in the design of the world of Noreya. The player can influence her karma through significant decisions, which affect both the narrative and the abilities available. This non-linear approach not only promotes replayability, but also delves into the moral repercussions of the player’s actions within the game.

Mechanics and Gameplay

One of the distinctive characteristics of Noreya: The Gold Project is its dual world, where interaction with statues of deities directly affects the player’s karma. This mechanic not only determines the direction of the story, but also influences the abilities and powers Kali can unlock. The choice between balancing the forces of light and gold or leaning towards one extreme or the other adds a significant strategic layer to the gameplay, allowing players to customize their experience to their preferences.

Great maps

Image: Courtesy Dreamirl

The game also offers a dynamic mix of challenging platforming and epic boss fights, in a non-linear environment that encourages exploration. Kali’s ability to transform into a wraith introduces an additional dimension to the game, allowing for the solving of complex puzzles and the exploration of previously inaccessible areas. This not only expands the gameplay possibilities, but also enriches the narrative experience by revealing hidden secrets and unearthing forgotten fragments of the past through ancient stelae scattered throughout the world of Noreya.

Technical and Aesthetic Aspects

Visually, Noreya: The Gold Project It is presented in a pixelated art style that evokes nostalgia while offering a modern and detailed aesthetic. The music, created by the duo Sarys

hidden areas

hidden areas

Image: Courtesy Dreamirl

Additionally, the promise of extensive multilingual translation underscores the developer team’s commitment to global accessibility and a diverse player community, ensuring that Noreya: The Gold Project be enjoyed by audiences of different cultures and languages.


In summary, Noreya: The Gold Project Not only does it promise to be an immersive and challenging Metroidvania, but it also seeks to explore deep themes of morality and personal choice within a dark fantasy context. With its innovative karma mechanics, dual-world design, and rich narrative backed by pixel art and an emotional soundtrack, the game is positioned as a must-play experience for genre enthusiasts and lovers of immersive stories. Through its distinctive elements and attention to detail in both gameplay and narrative, Noreya: The Gold Project promises to leave a lasting mark on the world of indie video games.

Noreya review rating: The Gold Project

Noreya review rating: The Gold Project


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