Zoom launches Workvivo by Zoom

Zoom launches Workvivo by Zoom
Zoom launches Workvivo by Zoom

[24/06/2024] Zoom has launched Workvivo by Zoom for its reseller partners. As noted in the press release, Workvivo, the employee experience platform designed to simplify communication and drive engagement, will now be available for all Zoom channel partners to sell to their customers.

Zoom acquired Workvivo in April 2023 to expand Zoom’s collaboration platform and offer its customers new ways to keep employees informed, engaged and connected.

“By unlocking new routes to market, partners can grow their business and expand their portfolio together with Zoom. Our partners play a critical role in delivering the best Zoom solutions to our customers around the world. We are excited to Zoom reseller partners now have the ability to sell Workvivo, enabling more customers to improve their employee experiencesaid Mark Jenkins, director of global channels and alliances at Zoom.

For his part, John Goulding, founder of Workvivo and head of digital employee experience at Zoom, noted that since the acquisition, we have seen how complementary Workvivo is to Zoom Workplace. “Customers now have the opportunity to add incredible employee experience functionality to their existing Zoom services. Organizations can also purchase Workvivo as a comprehensive, standalone employee experience platform. We are very excited to make Workvivo available to the ecosystem of Zoom partners”.

Jenkins concluded by noting that last year, Workvivo launched on the Zoom Workplace desktop app, creating a seamless experience for users to navigate from Workvivo to team chat, meetings, whiteboarding, and more, all in one app. . A recently launched integration between Zoom Rooms and Workvivo TV, Workvivo’s digital signage solution, allows organizations to instantly push their Workvivo briefing to Zoom Rooms screens within the organization.

Franca Cavassa, CTOPeru

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