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What is dystonia, the disease that chef Jordi Roca suffers from?

The appearance of the pastry chef and chef Jordi Roca on television programs such as ‘Masterchef’ on TVE or this Monday on ‘Martínez y Hermanos’ on Cuatro has once again put the condition suffered by the Catalan on the table: a cervical dystonia. It is a rare neurological disease, which has as a side effect difficulty speaking normally.

He The condition of the youngest of the Roca brothers, famous throughout the world for their restaurant El Celler de Can Roca, is very serious. It is a disease that compromises the muscles in a specific point of the body and in the case of this kitchen professional it focuses on the neck. She was diagnosed in 2010 and for years she had problems keeping her head erect, something that she has corrected after intensive rehabilitation, but which continues to require great effort.

Why does dystonia affect speech?

Because at The area where the vocal cords are located is affected, working with them becomes very complicated; The solution to putting together words and phrases is to limit yourself to whispers.

There is no cure for cervical dystonia

From the prestigious Mayo Clinic it is explained that there is no cure for cervical dystonia. On rare occasions, The disorder disappears without treatment, although prolonged remissions are rare. Injecting botulinum toxin into the affected muscles often reduces the signs and symptoms of cervical dystonia. This toxin is commonly used to improve problems with muscle hyperactivity, migraines, sialorrhea (inability to retain saliva inside the mouth) or hyperhidrosis, a name that defines abnormal and excessive sweating that is not necessarily related to heat or exercise.

Jordi Roca opened an ice cream parlor in Houston’s Uptown Park, Rocambolesc, which marked his first foray into the US market. after previous openings in his native Gerona, Barcelona and Madrid. That landing in Texas is supported by his status as the best pastry chef in the world, something that his own colleagues agree on; In 2014, it was also made official with the award from the publication ‘Restaurant Magazine’, presented in London. At the Houston store you can get delicacies such as baked apple ice cream, a yuzu, white peach and jasmine tea sorbet or the popular dark ice cream, which imitates Darth Vader’s robotic face and is composed of blueberries, vanilla and strawberry candy.

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